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Скорошни рецензии на cerberus1995

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84.9 изиграни часа (19.0 часа по време на рецензията)
so first the game has amazing fights, monster designs and weapon reworks. when hunting monsters the game is truly fantastic. it is a true monster hunter experience until the story that is

i will say the story sucks which is not normally to big problem in monster hunter game however the problem is the amount of railroading is ridiculous. unlike world that had a good space between main story cut scenes in low rank i feel like i spent more time in cut scenes then i did hunting monsters which made the glaringly bad story stand out even more. worlds story was not the best but it atleast was spaced out where wilds is just back to back cutscenes which really brings the game down.
Публикувана 1 март.
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honestly if it was not part of the season pass i would not have got this is empty it adds basically nothing to the game other oh that looks pretty. honestly this is astral rifts 2.0 and they have failed to learn from that
Публикувана 12 септември 2024.
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494.3 изиграни часа (133.7 часа по време на рецензията)
honestly one of the best games i have ever played i can not recommend it enough with all the hidden things the game has for us to explore
Публикувана 25 август 2023.
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i would not get this till its on discount for a story pack with 3 origins its hollow and empty 2 of the origins that are part of the same story basically dont have a big bad because it dies and the other origin fear the dark is effectively 2 events a situation and ur next door offering u a cookie if u turn down the music
Публикувана 14 март 2023.
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13.5 изиграни часа (11.4 часа по време на рецензията)
i recommend this when its on discount and i don't say this because its a bad game it is a gd game and if ur a fan of dead space u will love this the reason however, i say get it on discount is i going in blind while exploring as much as i could have beaten the game in only 11 hours. 11 while looping back to double-check areas and make sure i get all the pick ups i could beat the game in only 11 hours that to me does not scream £50 so game good yes worth money not at the minute
Публикувана 4 декември 2022.
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2 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
226.1 изиграни часа (53.3 часа по време на рецензията)
Honestly, I have been putting off leaving a review for this until there were some updates, but the time has come and gone and major problems and faults have not been addressed. this game is a step down from Warhammer 2 in every way techs trees are terrible for 4 of the 6 factions the game drags on way too long making u fight 5 peasant units with ur doom stack or u lose half ur forces. As for the campaign its sucks its basically wait till rifts spawn and mess up ur land they invade realms with boring or no mechanics for no rewards to get souls to kill the big bad to get a majorly nerfed version of the big bad as a lord. ye bad game dont buy till the are major changes and that will not be any time soon since in 3 months they have failed to fix problems modders have fixed in a few weeks
Публикувана 29 април 2022.
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the fact i need to do this again is annoying. give this dlc about 2 months before picking it up as the are basic things missing or bugged in this release. mission trees missing their images game randomly crashing for no reason when finishing missions and some missions not working. is it better then the last release yes but thats not a hard thing to do at this point
Публикувана 11 ноември 2021.
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to many buddy or incomplete things for me to recommend at this price. how it got released in this state is beyond me
Публикувана 28 април 2021.
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Wish i had not come back to Hoi4 more boring 70 day focuses where u can not do anything for ages or u rely on the AI agreeing to a random event or else u can not do anything till its to late
Публикувана 15 октомври 2020.
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ON the edge although good is a sad ending to the frost punk game. unlike the past ones that added new things to do aswell as major law changes. this one how ever only has the new settlement system other then that its just frost punk a very sad ending to the same. again a good dlc but a bad ending if this was swapped with the other dlc then it would have been a lot better
Публикувана 27 август 2020.
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