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This is a game in the middle of its development. - When it first came out, it was merely a project based on a concept to have a city-builder themed with beavers. It had a bunch of buildings and systems that weren't fully thought out and needed more development. Four major updates in and it's getting somewhere, but it's still really not much more than that.

First thing to take note of is that this game is NOT actually based on how beavers live or anything like that. They're very humanized and the whole beaver-thing is more of a theme or a skin. They might as well have been humans as there's little inspiration taken from beavers, other than buildings being made of wood (though, it quickly moves on to metal, like any old city-builder) and the use of water (but then also wind, cause beavers). - Other than that, they live on land, they build on land, they eat human foods, they use human items like paths, stairs, houses, showers, books, and so on, and everything is very mechanical, to the point that they even make robots. - How much more can they resemble the human race? - I generally just don't agree with the approach or direction they've taken, but that aside for now.

As for what IS there, it has nice ideas, but not everything has been executed that well (while things can still change). Building, for example, varies from simple to tedious. Placing the main buildings is mostly simple enough, but then hooking up power (if needed) can be a whole mini-project in its own right because of the tedium of the system. Things like that could (easily) be improved, if they find and implement the right ideas. But for now, as much as people might want to think different, it's very much an unfinished project in development that needs a lot of work.

There's no real objective like a campaign or even a goal, unless you come up with one. - There just no variety in gameplay. Yes, there is a whole other faction of beavers with their own characteristics and items to play the game in a slightly different way, and you could turn up the difficulty, but that's not quite enough.
The same counts for the maps. While there are a handful of different ones, and you can get/make custom ones, the world just consists of dirt that's either saturated with water or not, depending on water, with trees and bushes. - There are no threats but drought, no other animals or anything like that you have to protect your beaver-humans from. There isn't even different weather like rain or snow/ice (though I assume that might get added).
Water is also tedious to manage, effectively because landscaping is tedious, which beavers don't dig out but blast out with TNT (cause why not).

The music is also very repetitive. It's nice, but there's just one main track, and another one during drought, which will go back and forth, and if you play it for many hours, it will get stuck in your head. - I wish their composer would just make some more or perhaps the music wouldn't play on a loop endlessly. (I'd suggest only once, when the game starts and/or when the drought ends.) - But as it stands now, I suggest players to put the music-volume at 50% or turn it off and perhaps play something low-level in the background themselves.
Because if it weren't for the music, the game would be very quiet. Yes, there are some wind-effects and you'll hear the buildings and water and such when you zoom in enough, but even at medium distance there isn't much to hear.

There is a very barebones tutorial that doesn't tell you enough and ends abruptly. - Sure, you can fairly easily find out what everything does through experimentation and by looking at the information, but I'm just saying that the tutorial is underdeveloped at this point. (Though, to be fair, the game isn't finished, so they'd have to keep changing it when anything is changed.)

Currently it just feels very experimental because of the lack of objective. - Yes, you can make your own objective by just building more and growing and surviving, but I wouldn't agree that is a good purpose. It's just trying out all the mechanics and features the game has to offer, nothing more.
It's basically an endless sandbox, which is the problem with a lot of these games that have been coming out over the last decade or so, while it used to be that they came packaged with a campaign or at least objectives to fulfill. - Though, again, that might still be in the works.

I know what you're thinking: "Why did you play it so much then?" - Well, I just like to try out new games and experiment because I'm a creative individual. But every time there is a point when I realize there is no point, no purpose, and the game has a long way to go to really have a reason to exist or be played. - This happens every time I've built most things and perhaps a few districts. It's not that it's bad, it's just rather simplistic and not nearly a full game. You just unlock and build stuff for the sake of it, not for any purpose but to fill out the maps and geek out over it. It also keeps feeling grindy, even when you have a lot of resource, and it doesn't feel rewarding or purposeful.

Bottom line for now...

If you want a more complete game from this, I would suggest to wait another year or two, or at least a bunch of updates, so that it will be a more developed product, if they actually have a goal that is. - I'm just being honest and suggest you only play this game today (in 2023) if you, once again, want to be a play-tester and follow a game's development.
And while I initially decided to not jump on this game for this very reason (jumping in during Early Access), I couldn't help myself when I found a good deal, and now I kind of regret ending up a tester again, even though I don't mind helping out. - That said, it's probably the way to go for these developers, as it's of course helpful when a product is actually out there being tested.

It is technically sound, however, and it even runs on Linux unofficially, without stutters or crashes, which is commendable.
Опубликовано 17 июля 2023 г..
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0.7 ч. всего (0.3 ч. в момент написания)
OK, I've only played this game for just a little bit, but I've already found a huge annoyance, and that's the control-scheme. - Look, while I didn't know at first and I had to search OUTSIDE of the game to find out about how to land not "sloppily", which you do by hitting the "push"-button/key, I'm actually fine with that, other than that the game should actually tell you first thing. (Why did they just leave that out?? It's nót obvious or something you would "just learn".)

The problem I have with it is that I can't get used to the fact that it's under the A-button or at least the same button as "pushing". My brain wants to keep pressing "down" on the directional input, and on the other side I keep wanting to press "A" to do any kind of jump-trick, because in the global history of gaming-language, that's what it would be. So it almost feels like it's reversed or something, which is extremely annoying.
What's more is that, apparently, you can't remap this within the game. Yes, you can remap KEYS, but not gamepad-inputs, despite it being labeled with "full controller support". And yes, it does work fully, but you're not "allowed" to remap it, basically forcing a kind of learning-curve. - I suppose you could create a custom controller-profile within Steam, but what a hassle. Just let us remap inputs. What gives?? - Especially since this is the type of game that's great to casually play and sit back with a gamepad. That's actually why I booted it up, but it turns out to be a complete mindfk.

All that said, I'm sure this game is good fun and a nice challenge otherwise. I just can't deal with the weird control-scheme. Just what the absolute F??... I'll update my impressions when I can play it properly, so don't take this as a complete negative on the entire game.
Опубликовано 20 января 2023 г..
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2.7 ч. всего (2.7 ч. в момент написания)
If this game upsets you, you have some personal work to do. Because it's not meant to upset you, it's meant to make you learn and increase your discipline. - It is all about using logic, timing, and quick response. It's fair in that it's almost always clear what to do (with one caveat, which I'll get back to), except for the "bonus get" levels that aren't always immediately clear until it's too late. You basically have to "learn" and remember them for when you get back to them later by replaying everything, which is kind of unfair, but so be it.
It's unforgiving in that, with one mistake, you go back to the beginning and have do it all over. Though, while that might make some people "rage", it should really make you go "Oh, I need to do this thing next time." and just keep going until you get it. - However, one issue I do have is that, when a level is long and difficult, and you do fail over and over, it becomes a drag to retry in a non-fun way. This is mostly because some levels have these long build-ups of easier stuff that just seem pointless and drag it out, which aren't the parts you really want to replay because they're just boring. - At that point I wish there was a checkpoint-system, but if not I would've like to see some streamlining in some of the level-designs.

To get back to caveat on the clarity, I've noticed that, because this game is such a constant and quick side-scroller, you're going to struggle seeing things clearly at your still most-common lower-end refresh-rates, by which I mean 60 or even 75 Hertz. Because since this game's presentation is so sharp and tight, you're really going to notice the motion-blur of a monitor and it gets in the way of clarity. - Now, I can't comment on whether even 120Hz is going to make much of a difference, though it is doubled at that point. But I would recommend you play this at higher refresh-rates to not get distracted or obscured by the motion-blur (not an in-game effect, but the "natural" blurring-effect of a lower refresh-rate monitor), even though it should be doable at lower refresh-rates, because this game was released back in 2011.

Some things that could (have) be(en) improved about this game in general are:
- A better font. - I know that it's supposed to be "pixelated" and "part of the charm" (which it is), but that doesn't mean it should be illegible. It's just abstract enough that it's headache inducing and you just give up trying to understand what it says. It's especially problematic for the numbers.
- A "retry/replay" option on the completion-screen. It just makes you move on to the next level.
- Audio-settings for the sound-levels, as you can't even change the "master volume".
- Perhaps a few other details I can't think of right now...

All the criticisms aside, it is a nice, charming, and challenging game that's still worth playing now and then. It looks nice, it has nice music, and while it's challenging it is responsive and fair. - Just be aware that it's a little dated and limited in options.

(For those who are trying to run it on Linux (or at least Ubuntu) and you're getting the "shader error": The "unsupported early build" in the Betas-options does work. I'm not sure if there are any issues with it, but it runs and plays.)
Опубликовано 20 января 2023 г..
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2.5 ч. всего (2.1 ч. в момент написания)
I'm giving this a thumb down because it's sad this game is "dead". I never got around to playing it properly, but even out of principle this game has a lot of potential.

In my view, they should just "re-launch" this game after first giving it a rework. Things like tightening up the mechanics (such as in my opinion the physics are just too floaty and the "high gravity mode" is actually more like it feels normal or good), perhaps the gameplay modes, cleaning up the interface, as well as improving the visuals (not the style, but things like models and textures, or imagine ray-tracing in this game).
It can still work the way it is, but it is quite dated. So, if they'd give it a polish and then somehow "market" it or something, it could easily get another life. The problem is just that people don't know about it anymore and if someone checks it out, even if they really want to play it like myself, they will just leave because there's nobody playing it.

Again, this has a lot of potential, because it's still quite unique, it just needs something of a "reboot" with are refresh and a re-launch. You could literally add the word "Rebooted" to the title, since it's themed after robots anyway. - Just go for it or license it out or sómething. - Otherwise, I don't feel like this game should be on Steam anymore or at least be sold. Oh, and that's probably another way to do it: Like many of these online shooter-type games, make it free-to-play, then just rely on (good) DLC or whatever. - I think it can be done and this game can still work today.
Опубликовано 20 января 2023 г.. Отредактировано 20 января 2023 г..
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101.9 ч. всего (17.3 ч. в момент написания)
This game is too complex, so I'll just quote someone else:

"Hahahahahaha! I'm so confused and they look cute."
Опубликовано 28 августа 2022 г..
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56.7 ч. всего (34.7 ч. в момент написания)
In short, this is a very good pick-up-and-play type of game, if you're into this type of gameplay anyway.

Its rules and logic are a bit quirky, but once you've learned them, you'll get better at it the more you play. Sounds obvious, but I'm just saying it's a little tricky at first, and the learning-curve isn't that steep or at least big.
It does need a little re-balancing in the difficulty, as "Normal" quickly becomes too easy and "Expert" (which you unlock after completing the campaign on Normal difficulty) is way more balanced and challenging. The latter can be punishing at some points, but at least it gives a challenge. - So, in my view, there really should be a new "Normal" difficulty that falls between the current "Normal" and "Expert". If not, just rework "Normal" and add an optional "Easy" or "Introductory" mode for first-time players and such, then only let "Normal" and "Expert" count for real.

Other than that, it's one of those games that are easy to get into and have the potential to become addicting for a while. It does get a little repetitive, as there's a rather tight gameplay-loop, so it's not something for hundreds of hours, perhaps not even dozens. But it's definitely a nice game to play for an hour or two every day for a while and then let go of again and come back to later.
Опубликовано 16 августа 2022 г.. Отредактировано 16 августа 2022 г..
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810.1 ч. всего (757.8 ч. в момент написания)
Dear Valve: Need an overhaul here!

We all love this game, so don't become complacent now.
It is one of your greatest achievements and it puts even bigger and more recent games to shame.
But it's suffering under neglect that we can't do anything about.
It just needs some love in return. - Perhaps besides the problems introduced by third parties, it could also do with a little touching up on the technical side, maybe even a major new game-mode.
So patch, polish, and buff it up, so it can get re-launched into a new lease on life and we could still play it in 2027 or maybe even 2077.
Опубликовано 18 мая 2022 г..
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0.4 ч. всего
Alright... I've tried to get into this game a few times throughout the years, but I just can't.
I actually bought it because I WANTED a challenging game, but it really feels like a game that is just punishing or actually unfair. - The reason being that, not only are there vertigo and headache inducing visuals, with its constantly rotating and pulsating levels, but you also don't get much oversight, with whatever is coming up being right outside of view.
How is it fair when you can't anticipate something? - Is it supposed to be up to your split-second reflexes? - Are you supposed to learn all the patterns?... Both?...

That's another thing; The controls. - The way this works is with a "push and stop" kind of principle. You control an arrow or cursor that is supposed to go through the gaps in the shapes, but it's not like it aims directly where you aim it with a mouse or stick. You need to push it around left or right until it's in the right position and then let go to make it stop. - However, it's very twitchy and it's very easy to either go over or not go far enough. And I know, that's part of the challenge, but it almost feels more based on luck than control and ability.
And it's not like you get "lives" or some more chances after hitting something. The game just stops dead in its tracks, the music cuts, and you can go again immediately. - It makes it feel like "trial and error" and that's just not fun or good gameplay.

The thing is also, when I lose, it's not like I get upset and rage at it, but I just get this deflated feeling of "Well, what could I do about that?...", which just piles up in a matter of seconds, making me not enjoy myself and just wanting to do anything else. - And yes, with a little practice you can get a little further than before, sure. But it doesn't feel gratifying or like any kind of achievement. And even if I got through all of it, I know I wouldn't feel any better for it, as it's just not worth it.
Maybe one day I still will, but I will not care nor recommend this to anyone else.

This game throws you in the deep end of the pool with your clothes and sunglasses on; It's just an unpleasant experience and you'll be happy to get out. - That's just my feeling about it anyway.

That said, I hope Chipzel got paid well through the sales of this game so that at least my money had some purpose, cause that's the best part of this game by far. I'd rather just listen to the music on Spotify or something, which I have, many times. That's one thing I cán definitely recommend.
Опубликовано 10 августа 2021 г.. Отредактировано 10 августа 2021 г..
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[actually a neutral recommendation]

Right, like someone else in my contacts said in a review; Valve let these go for a low price without an order-limit and they will show up on other markets for a lot more money. - And so they did. They went for less than 10 Euros, I believe, and now go for 100 or more on sites like eBay.
Honestly, I ordered one during that sale myself, but I wish I'd purchased another one to take advantage of it. That's kind of evil, but can you blame me? - But then, maybe I had a good state-of-mind just thinking of one for myself, and even then with doubts that I'd even use it. So I just jumped on one cause it wouldn't be a huge loss.

Because that's another thing; It's a WEIRD controller. It feels, not bad, but weird, and almost handicapped due to there not being a second analogue stick or a D-pad (or directional buttons), as well as having strange haptic touchpads instead.
It also comes off as a little cheap, even for the time it came out in 2015 (apparently). While it does look like a lot of thought went into it, it almost seems so simplistic and clunky in its execution that it's like those children's toys, like a VTech kind of thing.
It's really unique and I admire Valve for trying to do something different or innovate, kind of like how they just jumped on VR with the Index and making Half-Life VR-only (that's commitment). And surely it can have its place with the way it functions, but there is a learning-curve and it's not always entirely applicable. So it ends up being something of a niche.

Then there seems to be worrying feedback on its build-quality, specifically about its shoulder-buttons. - I haven't used it enough to comment on that. I'm rather gentle, but I can imagine flimsy internal plastic parts breaking if you squeeze them too hard or just use them a lot.
So I wish they had kept developing it and just released updated versions over time to really shape a great controller.
But then, it was intended to go with Steam Machines running SteamOS, to make it like a set. Which you can still build yourself, even though development on SteamOS has been stagnant. - But while apparently they're planning on returning to that, I'm not so sure if that would mean a comeback for the Steam Controller.

Perhaps. But so far, I'd only recommend giving it a try if you can get it for little money, because it might just put you off or end up useless to you, if not break by some chance. - I'm glad to have one as something of a tech-geek, and I'm also going to try and pair it with a self-built "Steam Machine" of sorts, but that's about it.
Otherwise, I'd just recommend getting a solid Xbox-type controller. I mean, if you have an Xbox or PlayStation, both of their gamepads can easily be hooked up to PCs now. Though, a higher quality one can be expensive. - Alternatively, I'd recommend 8BitDo, which have a bunch of retro-inspired controllers with all kinds of configurations and support without being too expensive.
Опубликовано 13 января 2021 г..
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What a disappointment. - Visually, this looks like the kind of cool basketball-game I would want to play. It kind of reminds me of the playful nature of yesteryear, except with modern technology of course, and without the nonsense that is commonplace in sports-games of the recent years. - So I thought since this game is free to play anyway, I'd give it a quick install and try it out.

Unfortunately, I tried for like 15 minutes and didn't even get to play the game. - Let me tell you what I did in that time:
First of all, you install the game as usual, with the Steam-button to download and install it. Fine, no problem. - But then you launch the game and it actually launches a launcher for the game which then downloads and/or unpacks and installs some more files, which takes a good while (despite having an SSD and everything). - Then, when it's finally done, it needs to connect to some servers and it launches the game, which shows you some loading-progress in the bottom-right, though that progresses quite swiftly, it's yet another step. Then the game opens up and it yet again has to load stuff, which I suppose are assets for the game itself.

Fine! On to the menus... and oh god, what a confusing mess thát is. Sure, it leads you straight into an introduction for training, which first lets you create a character. Which, by the way, I don't really care about, I would've been fine with a bunch of standard characters, but fine. I selected some random things and hád to enter a name, after which I could finally hit the button to start the game. But no, it pops up some kind of window for coins/credits and points, even though I chose to start from "lvl1", it still said I didn't have enough points or whatever.

This is the point where I gave up. I'm fine with F2P-games that give you the option to pay for items and such, but the entire design of the game is so problematic that I can't even just jump into the gameplay itself. I never saw a court!
If it's thát convoluted to start up the game, which should be exactly the type of game that you can casually launch for a quick play within about a minute, something's wrong. - I guess I could learn how to set this game up, but should I have to? - Where is the option to just hit "PLAY" and play some frickin' B-ball outside of the school?

Getting into the game aside; While the visual presentation is nice, the rest of it is quite awful. Not only are the menus confusing, you're immediately greeted with horrible "music" that sounds thrown together with excessive use of auto-tune on the vocals and frankly distracted me from navigating the menus. - Not only that, even though I "get" that this is kind of inspired by that Japanese anime style, the female characters are quite typically sexualized, clearly to get teenaged boys hooked. - I don't mind sexy characters and whatever, but the way they make faces and what have you, just shows with what intention they are made, and that rubs me the wrong way. Not to say there aren't some simply cool and strong female characters to find, but the loading-screen alone shows some kind of "Bayonetta-esque" character that looks totally out of place. So you know what I'm talking about.

Whatever, game, developers... It didn't need to be like this. I thought this would be thé basketball-game to show the big titles/developers/companies what is a fun videogame. And while it might just be (I don't know because I couldn't get into the game itself), it's just bogged down by poor design-choices.
I'd rather have this as a traditional paid-for game without the launcher and coins and points and all that nonsense and have like court and item packs or something. It should be a lot more straightforward.
Опубликовано 10 февраля 2020 г.. Отредактировано 10 февраля 2020 г..
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