cory hudson jones   Aliso Viejo, California, United States
There is no such thing as luck, there is only the minds ability to perceive and seize opportunity.

The question your asking right now-
How can I maximize my ability to see the opportunity that surrounds me and claim the rewards that I deserve?

The Answer-
ACTION is the key that unlocks the infinite power of your sub-conscience mind. Everyday hundreds of opportunities slip through your fingers. Your awareness is focused on the movement that surrounds you but not the meaning. Traffic signals, phone calls, emails, memos, food… your sleep walking through a sea of veritables and choices and your mind is kept busy filtering all this white noise into the routine that is an average day. BUT what if you were able to train your mind to see opportunity, to notice the subtle thread of circumstance. Your trained and alert mind can create wealth, success, happiness, its all with in your grasp if you can imagine it… then it can be yours.

Use the key to your sub-conscience. take ACTION right now! giving me money will become the positive and lasting reminder of your decision to take ACTION. Read the accompanying affirmation and unlock your power!

Donate any amount, the key is that you understand this is a serious decision to change your life.

love, Cory
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