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매우 희귀한 도전 과제 전시대
eL_eLaNio 2020년 12월 25일 오전 9시 07분 
* .  * .' * ★ *  '*   *
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  *  ' +:...+....:+  *
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  .  +:..:+&+:...:+:...:+
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 .     . ▨   ' ' *     
  ,·´ ¸,·´`)
 (¸,·´ (¸*Merry Christmas &
           Happy New Year 〃´`)
                    ,·´ ¸,·´`)
                   (¸,·´ (¸*
eL_eLaNio 2020년 1월 1일 오전 5시 10분 
•´¸.•*´¨) ¸.•*¨)
(¸.•´ (¸.•` * ¸      ▂╱▏  ALL THE BEST IN 2020
   |___|     ╲ ╲    
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Pap 2019년 5월 22일 오전 4시 38분 
Musket sniper,spot on avatars
Bibostin 2019년 4월 22일 오후 2시 33분 
Has good teamspeak avatars.
Camzyi 2018년 5월 3일 오전 8시 23분 
I sexually identify as graph paper. Ever since I was a boy I dreamed of sorting over the grid drawing beautiful graphs on math homework. People say to me that a person being graph paper is impossible and I'm ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ retarded but I don't care, I'm beautiful. I'm having a plastic surgeon tattoo rows, columns and 3 hole punches on my body. From now on I want you guys to call me "Grid" and respect my right to draw graphs and solve equations. If you can't accept me you're a papyrophobe and need to check your graphing privilege. Thank you for being so understanding.
[102nd] Ominous 2017년 5월 15일 오후 2시 26분 
A mental welshman. 2/10