aka SaIII_3D
jungle streak > 5k games!!!
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Hello valve? Hello Icefrog?
1) Dota2's rmm system - sh( ° ͟ʖ °)t. so D2=dead game. = time to feed and ruin games!
2) CS:go's servers - sh( ° ͟ʖ °)t with 1 sek delay. many noobs with wh. = time to feed and ruin games!
and valve? do nothing about their fails ... good job!:steamsad:

upd: dota 7.00? ha-ha-ha. valve stole ideas from LoL. GJ!!!! (NO)
new rmm/mm system? NOPE! still totally sh( ° ͟ʖ °)t!
Hello Valve? Hello Gabe? Hello Icefrog? Oh! still do nothing? kinda lame
upd csgarbage: 1 sek delay any game in ranked. Gaaabe???? Hi?
need proofs? read http://dev.dota2.com !!!
2017: ty for hidden pool valve/frog/gabe <3 but ur games still sh( ° ͟ʖ °)t!
2018: me with heralds and guardians vs ancients and divines
2019: ~ 75 % to play against booster or get ruiner/accbuyer (all accounts)
2020: ~80% games booster vs me +valve disabled my reports
2021: this^ + invoker banned + no mvp for me :DDDD valve))))
2022: ~70-80% games there is booster vs me + all games ruiners in my team aaaand but most epic.... bots in my team :DDDD rly this is unbelievable!
2023: ~90% games there is booster vs me + all games ruiners + bots in my team oh wow!
2024: ~90% games there is booster vs me + 3-4 players in my team AI generated (this is not humans
2025: ^same as prev + after 1-2 games I get ~2-3 weeks BAN and 5 games LP!!!
ho! ho! ho! dat valve!!!
