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0.0 год. за 2 тижні / 296.3 год. загалом (32.0 год на момент рецензування)
Додано: 21 листоп. 2014 о 5:45

I thought they did a great job with this game. Yeah, it is kind of a reskin of Far Cry 3 but they added so many new things. There are tons more side missions, new enemy classes like the new ranger. You can mount elephants and use bait to lure predators to your enemies, new wepons and interesting characters, new vehicles such as the mini chopper, and CO OP mode. They added a ton of stuff and it has a good story line also. The Graphics are amazing. You can interact with the enviorment and they even added fortresses which are just bigger, harder out posts but i like it. This game in my opinion is also a bit harder than 3 was. I thought Far Cry 3 was a bit too easy, even on the hardest difficulty. This game seems a bit more challenging. I recommend this game to any FPS/Adventure/Open World gamers and of coarse any fans of Far Cry 3. Far Cry 4 is great and i rate it a 8.5 out of 10. The only things i didn't really like about it is how similar it really is to Far Cry 3, lag issues but i think they fixed most of it, and not enough new weapons at all. There are some good new signatures but that's it. They dropped the ball weapons wise.
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