14 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
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0.0 horas nas 2 últimas semanas / 9.9 hrs em registo (9.1 horas no momento da análise)
Publicada: 4 dez. 2016 às 16:03

I tried really hard to like this game, I love the genre, the context, everything about it seemed perfect and the first 2~3 hours were marvelous, but then... all the other 6 hours were exactly the same.
Not FTL.
Not newer Xcoms.
No replayability whatsoever.
It is disappointing to see a game that had everything to be incredible having its gameplay so shallow.
Yes, there are things I liked very much. Devs' sense of humour being one, but all in all, this game is not worth more than 5 hours I'd say.
If something, this game is the perfect "Try doing something like this, but not this"

On a final note, buy only if extremely cheap
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