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12,651.2 godz. łącznie (10,432.4 godz. w momencie publikacji recenzji)
I have been playing CSS for about a decade now. I have seen it when it was a great game and now how its deteriorated to what it is today. Its almost like Valve is intentionally ruining it so that they can sell present CSS owners new games. This is the single most successful game ever created and for some reason they dont like it. It's too old or too clunky as compared to the physics and software afforded newer games even after the orange box "update" that crashed everyone. Then Valve creates CSGO and it's supposed to replace CSS. CSGO is a huge failure in my opinion because it doesn't have the allure that CSS does/did. It feels fake and slow and you only asked "PROS" for input and corrective opinion throughout the design process. So now you only have a few people interested in it and can't sell anywhere near the copies of it verses CSS and some of them bought in only on the hype of it replacing CSS and don't play much anymore if at all. Why didn't Valve just build off of the CSS model? The average 32 slot server and fix the bugs constantly plaguing CSS brought on by "fixes" and work with the addon creators so the fun addons wouldn't be squashed everytime an "update/fix" came out. Create new guns, work with existing server Owners and find out what they feel would make their servers more fun and therefore the game more successful. Heaven forbid the average player be consulted. The same player base that made CSS so successful in the first place. The mind set seemed to be if they assuaged the elite players then the minions would like it too. Enjoy your Kings and Queens results. Now CSS, even after ALL OF THIS, is still marching on. People are stil playing the delapitated, ignored, over "fixed" game created so long ago and CSGO is still struggling. CSS has to be a thorn in the side of Valve simply by default at this point. Not such a leap to believe that Valve is intentionally trying to destroy CSS anymore huh? Get a clue please.
Opublikowana: 6 sierpnia 2014.
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