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Скорошни рецензии на Firebrand

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5 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
13.9 изиграни часа
This had a lot of potential and I did enjoy it for a while, but it is blatantly unfinished. The game clearly needed to stay in early access longer and calling it a full release is just dishonest. I would refund this if it hadn't hid the gaping holes through excessive grind in the early game.
Публикувана 5 септември 2018.
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3 души намериха тази рецензия за полезна
1.0 изиграни часа
The music will soothe your soul, just in time to be murdered by punchbot.

Kite is a hidden gem of smooth 80's s retro with enough old school NES difficulty nestled in there to satisfy even the most masochistic gamer. I can't even imagine what an optimized speed run of this game would look like. If only it came as a cartridge...

Don't forget to Kite.
Публикувана 17 март 2018.
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