Dannable 16 Jun @ 4:23pm 
walker strife 18 Feb, 2013 @ 7:22pm 
Sir, I miss your face.... just sayn'.... :)
walker strife 16 Nov, 2011 @ 9:33pm 
Keeeeelllllllllyyyyyyy!!!!!!!! :D Guess who's playing on Steam... and who has Skyrim downloaded on it as well as Team Fortress 2 by the time you read this XD hit me up, we gotta play sometime :)
OhNoBluescreen 19 May, 2011 @ 2:00am 
I miss slaying zombies with you, man. We had quite some fun back then. Hope to catch you online in the near future!
Kizzel 11 Jun, 2010 @ 5:12pm 
Nope, just on and off from time to time....mainly just to download games. I miss my steam...:(
P S Y C H O 9 Mar, 2010 @ 10:02pm 
k.bizzle my bizzle!
Be2 31 Jan, 2010 @ 10:07am 
u are back right?
Ponyführerin 28 Oct, 2009 @ 6:57am 
Dont worry, we all understand that ppl have a life besides gaming. :) Still, I had fun, hope to play again soon. Take care :)
♥ 𝒩𝑜𝑔𝑔𝓈 11 Sep, 2009 @ 8:52am 
Hahaha oh man Kel, I didn' realise you left me a comment. But nevertheless, I LOL'D HEARTILY
cordi.bzz 1 Sep, 2009 @ 2:29pm 
Hey Kizzel!
OhNoBluescreen 22 Aug, 2009 @ 3:45am 
I agree! was one problem last time tho... You should know what (about some people that joined)
that kid was still hilarious tho xD
OhNoBluescreen 26 Jul, 2009 @ 3:14pm 
hey, Kel... I've been playing a lot lately, but I've rarely seen you on. I want to play together with you sometime again.
Messy J 17 Jul, 2009 @ 10:18pm 
Kel u scare me :()
Messy J 5 Jul, 2009 @ 8:23pm 
Thnx Kel ! ! !
ANGIE BABY 29 Jun, 2009 @ 12:05pm 
Hey Kel ! where you at? I have been doin alot of versus lately, looking for some are still around , aren't you? Keep in touch..peace.Angie
OhNoBluescreen 23 Jun, 2009 @ 7:41am 
Hey there, Kel! of course i won't be shy to invite you to a game sometime! ^^ Sorry, didn't even see your comment until now xD
ANGIE BABY 1 Jun, 2009 @ 5:28pm 
Hey Kel! It's nice playing with you ...It's been a while since I've played,...but I'm doing really good, thanks for asking :D...Iit's just that I'm really tired by 6pm everynite, so usually in bed really early. But I'm starting to feel a little less tired as the "first trimester " is almost over. Besides that, everything is just peachy!...

Take Care , Sincerly , Angie
Chairman Meow 20 May, 2009 @ 9:33am 
comment number 2!
Kizzel 20 Apr, 2009 @ 12:15pm 
Giving myself my first comment....kinky!