Spielzeit letzte 2 Wochen:

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1 von 18 (6 %) Errungenschaften erreicht:
Persönliche Errungenschaften

Crystalline Heart

You have saved your progress
Am 28. Nov. 2014 um 6:56 freigeschaltet

Defeated Chumbo

You have defeated Chumbo


You have ignited a CoalSpark

Doom Gate Arrowhead

You have found a Rare Item

Targon Doll

You have found a Rare Item

Chumbo Tooth

You have found a Rare Item

Back From the Dead

You successfully used love to be revived

Game Completed

You have completed Episode 1

Hive Killer

You have beat the Hive Mini-Boss

Apprentice Craftsman

Level 1 Crafting Unlocked

Journeyman Craftsman

Level 2 Crafting Unlocked

Master Craftsman

Level 3 Crafting Unlocked

Shattered Heart

You have found a Rare Story Item

High Jumper

You Jumped High Using Beans


You Ran Fast Using Beans


You found all arrowhead types

Gol Master

You saved up at least 15000 Gol

Love Rider

You have taken Dez for a ride on a Zodapede