Missouri, United States
No information given.

Death Arts }Ðд{ [www.death-arts.com]
Death Arts Forums [www.deatharts.clanservers.com]
Massive link-to everything i have posted, from web pages, to picture manipulations [www.angelfire.com]
JSDubb 11 nov 2014, ore 6:37 
}CA{ ToxicSlim82 }F{ 13 lug 2012, ore 5:00 
Do what you can to get back up and running man... I may have more free time here soon to play.
Jeriko Feng 30 mag 2012, ore 9:14 
Hey dude, you're alive! Yeah Moe is back out west (saskatechewan now) and has a different number. Hit me up later and I'll pass it along.
}CA{ ToxicSlim82 }F{ 23 mag 2012, ore 9:47 
What the hell man? You were on today and couldn't say hi or anything?
}CA{ ToxicSlim82 }F{ 8 set 2011, ore 18:40 
Did You Die?
TheHoneyBadger 3 set 2011, ore 12:53 
why does it say block under your name