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Ergebnisse 11–20 von 22
Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
1,356.2 Std. insgesamt (1,196.7 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Great game overall but without buying all of the game 1 and game 2 DLC, you will miss out on a lot. I was also a little bummed they didn't overhaul sieges in this game but apparently they will do so in game 3 (we'll see...). All in all, it is very much like the first game but with some QOL (i.e., UI improvements, etc.) changes and mechanics improvements. They did seem to be a little cheap when it came to starting rosters but DLC helped fill them up immensely. I still think the initial asking price was too high for what we got. It just seems like they wanted game 2 to be a real cost saver since they knew most of the groundwork was already laid in game 1.

I hoped for a lot more from this game in terms of real improvements (e.g., economy, sieges, more units, etc.) and it is a shame that we didn't get many new DLC races BUT I still recommend it (especially on sale).
Verfasst am 20. Mai 2020.
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Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
369.0 Std. insgesamt (34.8 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Challenging game (especially at the start) but rewarding game with a great story-driven narrative. You will slowly but surely get better at everything (pretty much) and it will be even more rewarding than in most games. I have not played the DLC yet so no comment on them.

I highly recommend this game for those who enjoy open world RPGs that are challenging (e.g., dark souls).
Verfasst am 28. April 2020.
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Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
324.4 Std. insgesamt (58.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Story was a little "meh" but the tactical turn-based combat was quite good.
Verfasst am 12. April 2020.
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Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
754.1 Std. insgesamt (525.0 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
My favorite game of all time. There are very few critiques that I have for this game. TW1 was kinda iffy and the TW2 had awful gameplay mechanics but a great story, but TW3 has everything. They learned from their mistakes and made an incredible game.

And CDPR is one of the only ethical AAA game companies out there. I recommend everyone support them by downloading their online platform/store (GOG).
Verfasst am 24. März 2020.
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Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
36.6 Std. insgesamt (18.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
I recommend this game with a caveat. If you aren't a huge fan of the RAGE series and can be patient, just wait for a sale so you can get it for at least $40.

-Pretty good graphics (textures aren't as high res as I would like but still not bad)
-Seems pretty well optimized to an NVIDIA gpu with a fairly consistent framerate
-LOVE the combat and would say that the combat feels like DOOM but even more fluid
-Enemy AI is generally pretty good I would say and definitely makes the game feel more realistic
-Some cool weapons to choose from that feel fun to play with
-Audio is all around pretty decent

-Story didn't quite draw me in and the villain seems meh overall
-Open world is great and I liked the different region biome types but it doesn't involve the player like a far cry game for example
-As far as I can tell you can only really upgrade your main vehicle, which is a shame
-Wish there was more wildlife but that's more of a minor critique
-Some of the vehicle controls such as the flying vehicle felt a bit clunky and were difficult to drive

I want to report a couple of bugs here since it is hard to figure out where else to report them...

-When I maxed out my sidewinder pistol, an electric field appeared near the barrel. While this is cool visually, the field doesn't stay at the barrel and instead lags behind me when I move. It is distracting at times.

-Store owners often disappear but you can still talk to them thankfully.

-With the ranger assault rifle there is an enhancement that increases reload time but the audio for the reload itself doesn't sync up with the increased reload speed so it lags behind it.
Verfasst am 16. Mai 2019. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 19. Mai 2019.
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Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
71.8 Std. insgesamt (33.9 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
First, although this review is a little on the negative side, I still suggest buying this game. Just wait until it is on sale. Although I applaud Ubisoft for not trying to charge us a full $60 (because even they know that this isn't a full far cry game), I would still argue that $40 is still overpriced. I would say $30 is more reasonable considering the fact that they're using MANY of the same assets from FC5 (although it is certainly appropriate considering the plotline) and because we not only get the same map from FC5 (albeit, with some changes) but also only get maybe around 50% of it.

With all of that said and done, I will try to keep this short. I sort of liked the cool post-apocalyptic look of many of the weapons but I definitely did not like that you couldn't use attachments. I also reallllly didn't like the whole ranking system BS. Please never do that again Ubisoft. It worked well for the outposts but I didn't like it for the enemies or for the guns. For one thing, it invalidated certain weapons. For example, to my knowledge there is no MP5 greater than rank 1. That makes it useless beyond the beginning of the game for the most part. Sure with a ton of resources you can upgrade the damage by small increments but overall it will still have a tough time versus harder enemies. And what if I really love the MP5? If you want to use some ranking system, at least make it so that we can upgrade lower rank guns to higher ranks. Or have the lower ranked guns be available in the higher ranks as well. And finally, if you're going to have a rank system for the weapons and enemies (which is dumb but still), you shouldn't have such a massive gap between the ranks. I unloaded a full magazine with an M60 into a rank 2 (or maybe 3) enemy and it did nothing. That is super unrealistic. Some extra armor/hp is understandable but to that extent? It is crazy...

Takedowns in this game were kinda bad imo. In FC4 they were so smooth but in FC5 and ND (especially in ND) they were a bit wonky at times. I still can't get the timing right for a handgun takedown and it is tough to do chain takedowns for some reason. Also, the takedowns in ND are way too long. It needs to be fairly quick because you might be shot and killed while your character takes 5 or more seconds to kill one freaking enemy. Also, you shouldn't need to get perks to enable your character to use takedowns on higher ranked enemies. That was super lame.

The specialist AI was weird in this game in particular. The boar was amazing for the most part but some of the others (I'm looking at you pastor Jerome....) were either useless or simply glitched out occasionally. Often I would encounter a bug where I couldn't command my ally anymore. They wouldn't even follow me. They'd just chill and I couldn't even command them.

The villains.... They were kinda lame. Ubisoft.. You really couldn't come up with a better post-apocalyptic villain? Since it is post-apocalyptic it means you had a lot of leeway and freedom to be creative as heck. The twins were just annoying and not scary at all. At least Joseph Seed in FC5 kinda scared me a bit... And the twins didn't have that much depth to them.

The animals seemed a lot tougher to kill in this game compared to FC5 and they seemed like they did more damage. I did like that Ubisoft brought back the whole wounded animal thing where you can wound an animal and it might die soon after. Just like in FCP. That was something missing from FC5 that made hunting harder than in FCP and ND.

I thought the whole mystical apple thing and the special eden powers were really cool but... they came way too late! By the time I got them I was pretty much done with the game.

I liked the vehicles in this game although I missed the planes. With a small map though I guess planes wouldn't make sense. But yeah that big truck with the gun turret with the ladder was super cool.

Loved loved loved what you did with New Eden and Joseph Seed in this game. That was the one thing that really drew me in. The twins sure didn't help.... but yeah loved it. So interesting to see what happened to the deputy too.

Another thing that sets this game apart from other FC games is that it has very few side quests. You could argue that the 7 expeditions count and I would mostly agree, but expeditions aren't the same as side quests.

Speaking of expeditions... I really loved them. The replayability on them is high and they're a lot of fun. They are also a real challenge too. Would have been nice to get some ethanol from them but still. Good stuff.

The microtransactions.... It was already bad enough that there were some of them in FC5, but it was obscene in ND. There were multiple ways to advance your character by using real money and it was made very obvious where and how to access them. Sad stuff when a singleplayer game has microtransactions in it. It is bad for multiplayer games sure, but I would argue it is even more heinous in a singleplayer game. Especially when the game isn't even a full length far cry game. So you pay real money and get a few extra things a bit faster and then before you know it you've beaten the game and are wondering why you spent that money. Pathetic Ubisoft... Just pathetic. Stop it already with the microtransactions. Seriously...

I think with a little more effort and thought put into this game, it could've been pretty good. Ultimately, it is not a bad far cry game. It is certainly not a DLC or expansion as some would suggest but at the same time it isn't long enough and doesn't have enough new content to be considered a full far cry game.
Verfasst am 7. Mai 2019. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 24. Mai 2019.
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Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
177.9 Std. insgesamt (58.0 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Okay, if I don't mention some aspect about the game then don't be confused. I'm only mentioning things that were either improved upon previous far cry games (I've only played FC3, FC4, Primal, and obviously 5 thus far) or was worse than previous games.

Improved features:
-I really liked the change with the currency system where the way to make money is to hunt/fish. For me, hunting/fishing was actually relatively fun and I enjoyed doing it. Sometimes it was tedious and I would say they should've made skins/fish worth a bit more in the store but overall it was good. Also, it meant that I didn't feel the pressure to go around looting EVERY enemy corpse. It was freeing in a sense. I hope they do something like this for future FC games.
-This may seem like a very minor thing but I liked the fact that the square suppressor (along with the cylindrical one) was available for suppressable guns. I know it is more of a visual thing and minor issue to some, but I love the FC game guns and I'm all about the look of the gun as well as the feel of it and sounds.
-The graphics are an obvious improvement. Some of the weapon animations were worse compared to FC4 (like less frames for a pistol fire animation for example) but overall the textures were amazing and so was the lighting/shadows. Now of course I was running it on max graphics (with antialiasing) and HD textures so that might be partly why it was better than FC4. FC4 didn't have an HD texture pack unfortunately.
-I thought the voice acting for the NPCs and especially the Seed family was excellent. So was the animating of course.
-The vehicles. Omg the vehicles. I loved the buzzers in FC4 and even the limited number of cars in FC3 and also riding animals in Primal, but this was even better. I had lots of cool cars to choose from plus planes and freaking helicopters with rockets, 50 cals, and flares! Love love love the vehicles!
-Perk system was decent. Was nice to not have so many perks locked at the start, although there were a handful that were in fact locked. I think getting the perks from completing certain challenges/quests and perk magazines was maybe better than getting them from kills. I don't know though, I am fine with either one I think.
-Loved how big the map was. I mean previous FC games all had a big map but I feel like this one was even bigger than previous games (although I could be mistaken).
-I loved all of the scopes available in the game. I always like more options than fewer so bravo. The only thing is... when there are so many options you have to make sure to describe them properly. So instead of saying that a particular scope is a hunting scope, why not perhaps give us some more details on the presence or lack of magnification and then the actual degree of magnification and whether or not there are multiple magnification levels. Details help us make good decisions and not to waste money.
-I was at first surprised that wasn't a minimap but very quickly realized that it was so much better with a compass system. I felt more immersed in the game and didn't feel like I was constantly watching a little map. Instead, I had to pay attention to my surroundings. SUCH a good idea to get rid of it. Never bring it back or perhaps have it be a choice for the player where you can choose between either a compass system or minimap. More choices is always better.
-I'm one of those people who is all about immersion. I mostly turned off on-screen control reminders and notifications and I always turn off my weapon reticle. I rely on iron sights or a scope instead. Makes the game more challenging and immersive. Loved all of the menu options regarding on-screen notifications and control reminders.

Features that I did not like:
-The capture party BS... Come on... It would've been okay for them to do it a few times like maybe once per Seed family member or something... But come on... I felt like I was getting blessed/blissed or kidnapped CONSTANTLY. And it was annoying to have it happen when I was in the middle of another quest. I just think they overdid it this time to the point of it being weird. It made some sense in Jacob and Faith's areas but in John's it made less sense to keep getting taken and then somehow surviving and getting out.
-Not having a protagonist who speaks.... Listen, I get that it's a lot of work to have to have a male or female character in a game AND having to hire voice actors for both. But all of the Mass Effect games did it so... And it isn't like this game isn't a money maker. Ubisoft... you can afford it. Just do it... I applaud you giving female gamers some representation but I want to offer two solutions. Either one, hire male and female voice actors and do it right OR just have a male protagonist one game and a female protagonist another game (with voice actors). Just switch between the two. I personally would not mind playing as a female for every other game if that meant having a voice and not being oddly mute. Or at least have the character speak SOMETIMES. Anyhow, it was weird.
-Weapon skins were a bit weird in this game. The weapon skins were so cool in FC4 but then in this game there were just some wonky designs. Just use the same or similar skins as were in FC4 and I think most people would be happy. Like enough with the weird bright colors and odd striped skins. Again, look to FC4 to see good skins. I missed my granite skin sooo much in this game.... I'm not saying all of them were bad though. Some were decent.
-There weren't nearly as many weapons in this game as were in FC4 and I don't understand why. You had the models and amazing FC4 weapon sounds (and animations for that matter). Why not use some of them and upgrade them? Instead, I saw very few unique weapons. I saw mostly a few for each type and then very very similar iterations of the same weapon. So for example... MP5, MP5k, MP5SD (which isn't that different than a silenced MP5). I'm not saying I don't want these iterations. They are real weapons and I always encourage MORE choices than fewer ones. I'm just saying that these weapons should exist ON TOP OFF new or at least all previously included ones from other FC games. Like for example, where was the awesome MKG? Or the cool unique "signature" weapons from FC4? The "prestige" weapons shoudl've been more like the "signature" ones from FC4. Instead, I saw non-signature weapons passed off as signature by calling them prestige weapons and then they were super expensive. Instead, those prestige weapons should've been in the normal weapon pool and then actual unique signature weapons could've been in the prestige class.
-Weapon sounds were overall high quality but I felt like there was more variety in FC4. For example, in FC4 the A99 had a very unique sound to it that no other gun had but in this game it sounded like a very generic SMG. Why? Half the reason I use all of these different weapons is for their cool unique sounds. It is important to many of us.
-There were many spawning/despawning bugs that I noticed throughout the game that were disconcerting. Why weren't they fixed after launch at the very least? I played this game wayyyy after launch. In fact, I just beat it an hour ago. Anyhow, my vehicles would occasionally disappear even though I wasn't that far away (although it was way worse in FC4). Also, I would kill an animal but if I had killed them from far away with a .50 cal sniper rifle, by the time I would move in for the skin the corpse was gone. Or even enemies would literally appear right in front of me. I would watch them spawn in. Just wonky stuff like that kinda hurts immersion a bit.
-The takedowns were a little less fluid and also less numerous (it seemed like) in this game compared to FC4 especially. I would bring back cool takedowns like the vehicle one and knife one. Some didn't work well in this game at all.
-Melee weapons were useless in my opinion. I would get rid of them except maybe the shovel.
-WAY too many fast travel points.
Verfasst am 1. Mai 2019. Zuletzt bearbeitet am 1. Mai 2019.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
0.0 Std. insgesamt
The first time I can honestly say that CA did their job with a lord pack. The lords feel unique and pretty loreful. The new units are numerous and engaging. And the game replayability just got a big boost. Yes it is a tiny bit more expensive than past lord packs, but I would gladly pay more if it meant these types of lord packs from now on.
Verfasst am 18. April 2019.
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1 Person fand diese Rezension hilfreich
4.7 Std. insgesamt (3.8 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
I would say, get it on sale unless you love cyberpunk futuristic arcade style graphics. I didn't love that the environments were always dark and the horizontal lines on the screen at all times (because you are a cyborg so you are seeing through enhanced eyes I guess). All in all, graphics are still pretty beautiful and the combat is pretty decent just like in FC3.
Verfasst am 8. April 2019.
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Niemand hat diese Rezension als hilfreich bewertet
53.1 Std. insgesamt (26.6 Std. zum Zeitpunkt der Rezension)
Incredible game. Love the old cartoon theme/motif. Visuals are original and the characters heartwarming. Bosses are creative and innovative and the game in general has a very polished feel to it. I have beaten the game and I can say with confidence that I haven't found even ONE bug/glitch.

The only small complaint that I have is that perhaps it is a little too hard. I say this as someone who is fairly good at the game but I can imagine how frustrated some people must get. Also, it is kind of mean spirited to not allow people to reach the final bosses until they've beaten all bosses on regular difficulty. Some people simply are not good enough at the game (which is understandable since it is really hard) and they shouldn't be barred from playing the final bosses because of this. I'm all for a super hard third level difficulty (i.e., the expert difficulty that you get after beating it) but I think the regular difficulty could be a tad bit easier.
Verfasst am 23. Januar 2019.
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Ergebnisse 11–20 von 22