
Gramps 最近的评测

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有 2 人觉得这篇评测有价值
总时数 2,373.7 小时 (评测时 1,205.9 小时)

I hear so many people slating this game, "To many hackers", "I get cold, I die", "To many bugs ", "It should be finished by now" etc. etc. etc.

Some of these things are true but nowhere near as bad as some people make out. I've played nearly 600hrs and only been aware of two hackers (1x Unlimited round mag. very early on and 1x guy teleporting etc).

Yes the game has its bugs and they can be annoying but bear in mind this is not a finished game, hell its not even a Beta yet, It is work in progress.

The trouble with most people is that they are impatient, they want the game finished yesterday. They also expect certain things to be "Fixed" in game fairly quickly. If this was a finished game and you was expecting a patch to fix game problems then that would be fair enough. But its NOT, the Dev's are not going to fix something that may or may not change at a later stage anyway. They have a road map of what's going to get done and when and from what I see they appear pretty much on schedule.

This game is getting better and better each month of development and there are not many games that can give you the rollercoaster of emotions that this one does from the "excitement of your first battle with another player (Usually ending up with someone dying). To having to go change your under wear due to a sudden crack of lightening putting the S#@t's up you.

This game has a LOT of potential, at the moment it still has a few problems (To be expected) but nothing that shouldn't stop you from having hours of fun and when it's finished it will be amazing.

*** UPDATE (30/03/2017)***

I currently see most people are putting negative reviews against DayZ, Mostly because they believe that the current "Development build" that everyone plays (0.61 at the moment) is the current state of DayZ, This is actually incorrect the Devs have actually created a whole lot of content internally that no one gets to see yet as it is waiting for new animation systems and other key game engine components etc to be updated.

This creates the false impression that the game is slow in development (Most games average 5 years) and that it is lacking a lot of content and that no progress has been made. The next couple of patches especially 0.63 (Beta) should see some major changes as the old Arma2 mod content is removed and replaced with the new core components allowing all the new content to be implemented.

Ok currently 0.61 can become a bit tiresome if you have been playing DayZ for a while, but I still believe that it is a game worth buying, Everything appears to be on track (If a little behind schedule) to be one amazing game, Especially once the new mod tools are released (Much more powerful than the ones in the Arma2 mod.)
发布于 2015 年 2 月 6 日。 最后编辑于 2017 年 3 月 30 日。
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