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Diposting: 26 Des 2018 @ 6:11pm
Diperbarui: 14 Jan 2019 @ 4:54am

Ulasan Akses Dini
This game was terrible for the first few days. People couldn't login and when they did they were faced with severe lag and low fps, all that's changed.
if you meet the bare minumum for requirements then you're going to find it's not going to look very pretty. I run an i5 3570, 16GB ram, gtx 1060 6GB graphics card and its installed on a 500SSD. The game has set me at high settings but I've lowered a few things to get the best performance I can.
I've had 300 hours playing Ark and I stopped playing when they released early access DLC. This game is so much better than Ark, in my opinion. Think of it as Ark with pirates and sinking ships. Don't compare it to Sea of Thieves(SoT). SoT was a full release, this is early access and there is already so much more to do in this game than in SoT.
Just like the release of ARK in early access this has had it's problem but, the devs are working really well with the community in keeping players informed of new patches, fixes and whats's to come. I highly recommend to Ark lovers and those who've always wanted to be a pirate. For those of you who want to play the game but don't want to be keelhauled there's PVE. Long may this game keep getting better.

EDIT: If I could give the game a middle of the road rating, I would. I'm still reccomending the game but, I am peeved that they have only recently enabled Battleeye anti-cheat. When I bought the game on release it installed Battle eye and I was expecting anti cheat to be enabled from the start. Now I think I know why my ships sunk without any explanation. 80 hours wasted, hopefully the next 80 won't be.
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