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3.8 horas nas 2 últimas semanas / 2,046.1 hrs em registo (609.6 horas no momento da análise)
Publicada: 9 dez. 2016 às 6:29

Well done Rocket League team... this time you finally destroyed the game. With over 600+ hours this game is getting worse and worse... each update adding new stupid maps and noooo way to not play them,

Of course yes the game is fun no doubt about that... But when you have over 300+ hours in it you begin to play for some nice goals and teamplay, but allmost every single new map has stupid structure, hidden bumbs so the ball will go another way etc,

And besides all that, allmost every solo que is going to be "new stupid map" or some idiot farming crates with a bot" (unranked)

Dont even wanna talk about ranked. . . . . . . .

PLZ Rocket team.... make the game great again
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7 comentários
yelooh 10 dez. 2016 às 9:11 
I've not even disliked the maps, yet I barely get them. I guess I got lucky? Or you got unlucky?
SugarDaddy™ 10 dez. 2016 às 6:50 
[DT] Yelooooh -- Not at all, I love rocket league dont get me wrong. But when you play the game so much you wanna get better and better to do the perfect air shots/ freestyle not just shooting the ball in the goal, and the way rocket league is heading is not making that easier. I like that they add'ed the option to dislike the map you dont wanna play but whats the point only to dislike 2? when they add soooo many new stupid ones. yesterday I would say 3/5 times it would be a stupid map.
yelooh 10 dez. 2016 às 1:08 
Stop acting as if playing on a different shaped arena is ruining the game for you. You're probably just bored of the concept.
[ATP]ponkeydunch 9 dez. 2016 às 20:21 
Agreed. I'm done until there's a way to opt-out of these non-standard maps.
AWhiteGoy 9 dez. 2016 às 18:21 
As depressing as it is I am going to do the same thing.
SugarDaddy™ 9 dez. 2016 às 18:15 
Yeah this game has gone down a wrong road when it comes to adding new maps. cause after so many hours you practice and practice with friends on the good old maps to do some nice air shots and goals.. Sad it had come to this.. think I will put rocket away for some time and come back another time to see if they listen to the players.
AWhiteGoy 9 dez. 2016 às 17:51 
Agreed. I was so disappointed when the patch was released and while I love rocket league I cannot support Psyonix trying to force people to play maps that are terrible. From what I have read the rocket labs playlist only had around 1% of players using it. How does it make sense to then force people to play those maps? I just want to air dribble and score sweet shots. I don't want multi leveled maps with stupid bumps that shouldn't be there screwing up every shot I try and throw up. It's a shame that psyonix thinks they know better than their customers. I uninstalled as it is my only way to protest this bullshit and will not be playing again until things change.