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CoochieBeatier 3 Oct, 2022 @ 4:33pm 

CoochieBeatier 3 Oct, 2022 @ 4:32pm 
If your looking for a quick easy flight, from the start it's no "Just Cause 2" (jump in a plane & off you go) I found it took me a while to get used to the controls, even then I still found it awkward with the keyboard combinations. Flying around seems slow even when flying at over flight speed of 200+ I won't be getting anywhere fast! Don't get me wrong I do appreciate this is a simulator. The music choices while flying, say no more......

I will give it another try, just my first impressions were of dissapointment! Would I recommend at the moment no. If you are into your flight simulations & you don't mind the overall look of the play then you will probably like this.
Posted January 21, 2014. Last edited January 21, 2014.
CoochieBeatier 3 Oct, 2022 @ 4:32pm 
Ok, I bought Take On Helicopters as part of the Humble Bumble Charity package - (if youv'e not been to the website, take a look, game packages change) and I bought it to experience the simulation.

If your looking for beautiful landscape to fly around, this in no Farcry3. Very blocky & basic. The building look like boxes, the land itself looks like flat satellite photos. Inside the cockpit again the overall look is blocky & basic. I put all setting on highest, which made no difference.
CoochieBeatier 3 Oct, 2022 @ 4:31pm 
I realy don't mind this game/walking sim being short, it's great to be able to drop into something in 1 sitting to complete. It's like having a snack break :) than a 30 course meal.

Hmm, to be disppointed by the abrupt! ending, mmm what ending, feels more like a book with half the pages ripped out. I did like the graphics, the idea behind the walking story interactive sim. But any game that ends like this and I find myself scratching my head and saying WHAT! Then i'm sorry it's a No :(
CoochieBeatier 3 Oct, 2022 @ 4:30pm 
Ive been watching you.:steamhappy:
CoochieBeatier 3 Oct, 2022 @ 4:30pm 
Nothing special. All the scenes and girls are locked behind paywall and each of them cost $6 individually, and it's not worth it. There's minimal interaction and it's more like an interactive video, not a game.