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Останні рецензії користувача bubbacho

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Показані результати 11–11 із 11
1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
15.6 год. загалом (15.5 год на момент рецензування)
Originally I thought this game was a bit of a joke having played the original "back in the day". But twelve hours in and this game simply rocks. Its the very essence of old school shooters with the polish and shine of a triple A title. How this only received 73/100 on Metacritic is beyond me, but the story is a bit on the comic book side. But it's Shadow Warrior, what else would you expect?

For anyone who grew up playing Doom, Quake, Duke Nukem, ect., this baby will not disappoint. Compared to today's shooters I would place this game among such titles as Bullet Storm, Serious Sam, or Pain Killer. If you're looking for some run n' gun action with boss gear and hilarious gore, you've found home sweet home :)
Додано 8 квітня 2014 р..
Чи була ця рецензія корисною? Так Ні Кумедна Нагородити
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Показані результати 11–11 із 11