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Publicada: 27 out. 2016 às 15:58
Atualizada: 27 out. 2016 às 16:00

It's from a kid more or less who hasn't even started college and the game reflects that. Millenials will probably enjoy the introspection and self absorbtion. It's the equivalent of a college art project and the price of admission to this snowflake carousel is just right.

But for a high school student I have to say that putting this together and getting it on Steam is quite an achievement. So good luck to Mr. Harmon and his future endeavors. He's off to a good start.
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1 comentários
Skywalker557 2 nov. 2016 às 12:47 
Thats things i like to hear, its ment to show hwat you need to undestand, people fail grades, they can probably do something that it extreamly complex.