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Cities: Skylines

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Showing 1-9 of 14 entries
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Osahra Karshak Temple Ruin Collection
Collection by Beardmonkey
40+ assets made for YouTube series Osahra, a collaboration between Skibitth and Two Dollars Twenty. All buildings and props (except the rope fences) have Karshak in the name so I suggest using the FindIt mod to quickly find all assets.
Malmö Centralstation by Beardmonkey
Collection by Beardmonkey
RICO buildings for Malmö Central Station that I made for Tazerhere.
Osahra assets by Beardmonkey
Collection by Beardmonkey
Great RICO assets
Collection by Beardmonkey
Essential assets
Collection by Beardmonkey
Great vehicles by Beardmonkey
Collection by Beardmonkey
Great trees, bushes, plants and rocks
Collection by Beardmonkey
Farming assets by Beardmonkey
Collection by Beardmonkey
ShackPack by Beardmonkey
Collection by Beardmonkey
This is a collection of 8 low residential and 2 low commercial shacks. Tris between 480 and 1900. Texture 1024x1024. Can be found under Parks & Plazas/Plazas. RICO enabled.
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