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Опубликовано: 5 авг. 2022 г. в 22:41
Обновлено: 15 авг. 2022 г. в 14:20

Fantastic game, until this last patch. It is now, Killer = Easy Mode, Survivor = lose 80%. 1600 hours in, have all the dlc, and I won't bother playing this anymore unless my friends are feeling masochistic. No amount of free stuff and Blood Points will fix this. Maybe if they fix it, I'll look at coming back but I usually stick with one game until they ruin it or I decide after 600+ hours to move on. I didn't see myself leaving, but whatever. BE thinks they can use minor "enhancements" and slight nudges towards "better play" to prevent killers from Camping and Tunneling.
If you aren't familiar
Camping - the killer stays right next to the survivor they caught until the survivor dies. Tunneling - the killer keeps hunting 1 survivor until they are dead before changing targets. This results in an extremely poor experience for the survivors this happens to. This included forcing changes in perks to change the meta. Thing is, the meta would have changed if they fixed the camping / tunneling. You want to stop that? It's easy code fix. Here's how

Tunneling - Get unhooked. You have Permanent Decisive Strike (allows repeated chances until successful) until another Survivor is downed / hooked (disables at that time). First successful strike stuns for 5 seconds, second stun is 15 seconds, 3rd and beyond, 1 minute stun. Does not disable ability until: A) Killer downs another survivor. B) Killer Hooks another Survivor. C) Only 1 survivor remains.

Camping - Killer has 18 seconds to remove themselves from the area of the hooked player. This allows reloading from lockers and pallet breaks in the immediate area. After the time, I big red falling number in the center of the screen drops BP in increasing amounts every 2 seconds by quadrupling. Start with 25 BP drop. (ie: 18 seconds in the hook radius, 25, 25, 100, 100, 400, 400, 1600, 1600, etc). This allows for a negative number. After a period of a month or two, BE can pull reports to find the killers that do this, ban the toxic players and boom. Game gets to keep new players instead of turning them off.

Essentially, you make it completely awful to behave like a jackass. If BE got rid of the toxic killers this game would have an even bigger player base. And yes, I'm fully aware there are toxic survivors out there that need to go.

Before the patch, this game was extremely fun. Team play was such a blast. Almost every night there were at least 6 people in the channel playing, swapping out, laughing and enjoying the game together. Even when we were outmatched and getting slaughtered, we knew the killer was just that skilled. You could take enjoyment from making a great killer climb through a window instead of picking you up on accident. It's the little things :P Even solo queue could be entertaining. Most of the community is awesome. I love Co-op games and this one has been my biggest favorite game in the last 8 years.
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