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7 people found this review helpful
240.4 hrs on record (195.8 hrs at review time)
Devs are clueless about game balance. I'd rather play the version from a month ago before the new content.
Posted 11 August, 2024.
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6.9 hrs on record (5.8 hrs at review time)
Surprisingly fun despite its age, this is a re-master done well
Posted 9 June, 2020.
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1 person found this review helpful
475.2 hrs on record (401.8 hrs at review time)
While initially fun, this game quickly turns into a grindfest to make any significant progress. This wouldn't be an issue except for the incredibly limited amount of activities available.

There are two major game modes, closed (single player) and open (public). Going into an open server is a Rust-esque experience where you will be killed by bored players with no warning. Closed is safe, but again the universe feels stale.
Posted 16 February, 2019.
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7 people found this review helpful
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20.0 hrs on record (7.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I'm writing this review in reaction to the current smear campaign going on.

First, a quick description of the game-

KF2 is an excellent game. If you've played KF1, then it's pretty much v 2.0 with updated graphics, slightly less wonky gameplay, a better thought out perk system, and loads more gore.

If you haven't played KF1, then KF is a co-op FPS in which you survive waves of AI controlled enemy "zombies", although tthe zombies are more Resident-Evil esque then say night of the living dead. The zombies include increasing amounts of 'elites' the further you progress through the waves. Between waves you are given a chance to buy better equipement, ammo, etc. At the end of the waves you fight a boss; after the boss match you select a new map and the game restarts. It's rather vanilla in this formula but still loads of fun.

On to perks. There is a persistant levelling system in this game related to the 7? classes. As you level up, you are able to select combat skills to augment your character. These skill levels persist with your account and do not reset per server/match. Having higher level perks is sometimes necessary to play the game on harder difficulty levels.

Finally, on to the spate of recent negative reviews, aka the smear campaign. Many basement dwellers/trolls are butthurt that a game would dare to include DLC, especially one in Early Access stage. There are a couple of key points you need to understand-
1) This game is more finished than many AAA games that are released every holiday
2) Per KF1, the Dev team has a very strong history of supporting the game with free DLC for literally years post release
3) The original KF had 21 pieces of DLC, and the devs have never insinuated KF2 would NOT have DLC
4) With one exception, all DLC is cosmetic (and the one exception is being remedied by the Dev team)

So yea, I find it disgusting that people are smearing a game that has done the best to live up to it's promises and a Dev team that truly cares about their community. The one time I had a support issue with KF I recieved an email from the PRESIDENT OF THE COMPANY rectifying the issue. These. Guys. Care. So if you want an awesome PvE coop game with the opportunity to buy cosmetic hats, and love watching mutilated limbs gracefully fly through the air with a fine patina of bloodspray, this is the game for you.
Posted 5 December, 2015.
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