Western, Fiji

1nd place: Fast Cup #143 [1x1 Single]

2nd place: Pistol Fast Cup #153
2nd place: Pistol Mini Fast Cup #80
3nd place: Pistol Mini Fast Cup #82
2nd place: Pistol Fast Cup #160

3nd place: Fast Cup #192 [2x2 Handgun] (Art; Gun3v5)
2nd place: Mini Fast Cup #49 [2x2 Handgun] (Art; Rox)

2nd place: Mini Fast Cup #85 [2x2 Ladder] (Art; Remix)
3nd place: Mini Fast Cup #222 [2x2 Ladder] (Art; Raze)
2nd place: Fast Cup #253 [2x2 Ladder] (Art; KLERZ)

3nd place: Fast Cup #106 [3x3 Ladder] (Art;K#16;toDay)
3nd place: Mini Fast Cup #169 [3x3 Ladder] (Art;Backy;cocodrilo)

3nd place: Default Maps Cup [3x3 Ladder] (Art;K#16;FEEX)

3rd place :"3 MAPS CUP [5x5]" [5x5 Ladder] (Art;K#16;toDay;dmj;Sport_kill)
3nd place: Mini Fast Cup #206 [5x5 Ladder] (Art;K#16;toDay;Gun3v5; KLERZ)
3nd place: Fast Cup #207 [5x5 Ladder] (Art;K#16;chelkastiy;1unDeadA...; KLERZ)
3nd place: Fast Cup #209 [5x5 Ladder] (Art;K#16;chelkastiy;Gun3v5; Sport_kill)
3nd place: Fast Cup #211 [5x5 Ladder] (Art;K#16;Fist of Steel;1unDeadA...; Sport_kill)
3nd place: Mini Fast Cup #217 [5x5 Ladder] (Art;K#16;chelkastiy;Gun3v5; Sport_kill)
3nd place: Fast Cup #226 [5x5 Ladder] (Art;K#16;chelkastiy;FEEX; Fist of Steel)
Currently Offline