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EU4 is gamer-friendly - it is just selective on who its friends are

EU4 is a game with lots of complex mechanics and a complicated DLC setup that aims for well off people. If you want to start out, wait for a sale.

If you read the Reviews for the game and DLC´s the pricing is questionable and hardly anybody recommends to buy at full price. The next caveat is that the developers chose to include base functions in their DLC's.
  • want to upgrade your provice -> DLC
  • want to build Tradecompanies -> DLC
  • want to upgrade a trade hub -> DLC

Next they topic is that Quality of life improvements are behind a DLC e.g.
  • Upgrading your navy -> DLC (land troops are fine)
  • Recruit to army -> DLC (else you have to recruit by province and then give a move command)
As the game is built around playing hundreds of hours, you will get nudged into buying the QoL improvement, as it saves you time and brainpower you can invest on something else.

Most functionality is spread around many DLCs. So there is no "War" DLC with all War options, Diplomacy DLC etc -- compared to e.g. Civ series where an expansion will have one focus on a theme. You can find yourself in the area where you research if you have access to a certain feature or how to unlock it.

the UI is a mess
The game has lots of information and it hides the information in many tabs, submenues or changing tabs if you click an icon or text. So if you start out you have (F1) country view -> (0) Stability. As a beginner I had a hard time finding cores, hidden under "Manage", that changes the lower pane of the selection. In Government the crown takes you to a new screen.

If you try to find out where your opponent has his colonies, it is a mess - if you mouse of a country you get a red outline - but if it is spread out and the country small the outline is hard to notice. You can use the Goods location screen in the ledger, but cannot limit the information to a certain country.

A clear design choice bevore release with a concept about how the UI will evolve in the future could help a lot.

Achievements locked behind ironman - Ironman only allows visual mods
I do play singleplayer and I detest a developeer telling me how I like my game to play. I did actually base my buying decision on the mod support on steam - only to relize later that mod support is restricted - and achievements locked behind Ironman - in other games at least the developers let you disable this using a mod. Not here.

for a 90 € or 280 € price tag the game has an abysmal tutorial
It has an introduction like - recruit a unit, move unit - a basic list of steps, but it won´t allow you to test yourself and master each of these conecpts.

E.g. for combat a modern game would start out similar with - recruit a unit, move a unit, explain field of vission, terrain type and then continue to give a goal where you need to apply the skills - e.g. conquer an enemy nation.

Now EU4 is a millitary game, but it calls itself grand-strategy. So you need to know about other types, like espionage, choosing the right casus belli, actaully how to gain certain casus belli - how Aggressive Expansion works, Personal Unions, Gonvernment types, Terrain for combat and provice improvement, ...

(and other games also bring an in-game documentation about their concepts like civiliopedia in Civilisation).

This lack of polish on the developers side has lead to a pletora of online ressources - reddit, youtube tutorials explaining what the game fails to.

Once you took most of the challenges the game is ok.
Postat 13 februarie 2023.
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