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Опубликовано: 26 окт. 2020 г. в 10:50

It's Doom. You need to do something and these demons are in your way. As an experienced FPS player I played on the ultra-violence difficulty and it was a comfortable amount of difficulty without getting frustrating. If you just want to spend a few hours killing hordes of demons with a bunch of weapons this is an easy choice.

Theres some back story explaining why you do what you do and i wish it was voice recorded. Sometimes the game would change resolution and that caused crashes, this got frustrating until i realized why it was crashing. Some issues with falling through the world. For the time i played i would say i only died 3-4 times falling through the world. You decide if that's too much. The story does seem a bit short. I have 24 hours played and that's with me replaying most of the levels 2 or 3 times to get all the secrets. You can replay the classic doom level if you unlock them during the story and there is a harder difficulty that unlocks after you beat the campaign(I didn't do either so you could get a few more hours out of the game). I don't see much replay value since you can unlock everything if you spend the time finding the secrets.

Overall, I like it. I'd buy it on sale though.
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