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Nylige anmeldelser av Drakedge

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29 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
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2.2 timer totalt (0.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
There's a low play time on my account because it just got released on steam. That being said I have been playing this since December and have several high tier captains along most all of the branches.

This game is fun, and frustrating at times. For example when it rains your accuracy goes to nil in the bigger ships, and it rains a lot so it's very annoying to not be able to hit anything while you are this big ship that's nearly impossible to miss.

The items in the store are much too expensive, though they seem to be balancing that. For example when the game first released a premium sailor was somewhere near 1200 gold, now it's better at 300 so I think they are working on that.

The game is easy enough to pick up and learn, but a little more difficult to master, especially carrier game play.

All in all, the game has it's flaws but it's a fun game to play now and again.

3 stars out of 5 could be better, could be worse, it's all about where they take the game from here.
Publisert 5. mars 2015.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
16.1 timer totalt (8.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Thank you Gearbox for staying true to the game. The remastered edition is BEAUTIFUL. It also does NOT take away from the original games at all. If anything it makes it more glorious. Any true fan of the homeworld games would do themselves a service by grabbing this game. Heck if you don't like the remastered versions you can play the originals!

Epic. Simply Epic.

If you have never played homeworld, what you get is a FANTASTIC story, with great game play and a really cool skirmish vs cpu modes. 3d space strategy at it's finest. This is a must own for any strategy gamer.
Publisert 25. februar 2015.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
9.7 timer totalt (9.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
This is a sad state of affairs. I can not recomend a game no matter how fun it is with the crappy business practices seen here. Wait for the "super mega pack" that will come out in a year on a steam sale where you get all the DLC in one pack for 30$ then it will be worth it.

$85 dollars worth of Day 1 DLC... if that's not "lets chop this game up into tiny pieces and sell it piece meal" I don't know what is.
Publisert 10. februar 2015. Sist endret 10. februar 2015.
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20.9 timer totalt
This game is awesome. It is a very old school RPG game, it does not hold your hand, and is rather difficult, but in a fun and challenging way, not in an annoying way. I would highly recommend it to those that enjoy a good game.

Some of the PROS include:

Meaningful Co-Op with role playing aspects between the player characters.
Spells that interact and change with the environment.
Smart AI that strategicaly combo the same moves against you that you could potentially use against them.
Great writting with humurous and serious moments.
Robust crafting system.
Meaningful levels - like in the old day when a level 3 character was significantly better than a level 1.

Some of the Cons:
If you are not used to old school style questing, the game might be daunting as it expects you to use your brain to figure the quests out. (this is also a pro, but i consider it a con due to the nature of hand holding modern RPGS have been doing, and how modern gamers might not adhere to that.)
Publisert 22. juli 2014.
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4 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
847.5 timer totalt (561.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Arma 3 is a wonderful platform for military simulation. Where the game truly shines is with the extensive modding community. You will do yourself a disservice if you do not check out any of the multitudes of mods for this title. The game itself with out the mods is a great improvement over prvious titles like Arma 2 for example. Personally I used to be big on the Battlefield series but once I started playing Arma it was Arma or nothing for my modern day first person shooter.

The depth and scope that you can get into here with the combined arms focus is truly amazing. Everything fromt he graphics, to physics to sound effects are really good. Oh and if You don't want to use the vanilla stuff, again there's mods, even full conversions that bring all the assests from previous games into this one.

There's also a really fun multiplayer mode called Zues, which is essentially Dungeons and Dragons meets first person modern day shooter. One player acts like the "DM" and the others play in his / her world. Allowing you to create dynamic ever changing and unique situations on the fly.

This one gets my whole hearted thumbs up. For information on how to mod your game, check out this youtube video:


Publisert 24. april 2014.
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25.9 timer totalt (15.1 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
It's a fun casual game. Don't go in expecting anything major from this title. I would say that you get a good amount of entertainment out of it if you are looking for something that doesnt take a lot of brain power. It is good for a detoxing night after work.
Publisert 2. mars 2014.
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16 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
11.1 timer totalt
This game screams of a console failure. No proper joystick support, crappy in station graphics, stuck to one ship only. It does though have amazing space graphics, which is a shame because I would have liked to enjoy it more. The only saving grace for the game is the space visuals are awesome.
Publisert 12. desember 2013.
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208.6 timer totalt (80.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
Simply the best game ever. It is super hard, but rewarding for when you succeed. Don't cheat yourself out of a great game by using mods that take the challenge away.

Basically what you have is one big physics puzzle game. You will fail, and you will fail awesomely and often. The trick is to learn a little bit from your mistakes and keep making better rockets! This game has a lot of hair raising moments, like that first time you are about to land on the Mun, and Your lander rocket has only seconds of fuel left. Your heart starts racing, your palms get sweaty and then bam! You are there and an overwelming sense of joy floods your veins.

Or... you smash into a billion pieces... either way it is emensely satisfying.
Publisert 28. mai 2013. Sist endret 2. april 2014.
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Viser 71–78 av 78 bidrag