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Опубликовано: 14 янв в 7:12

Can be a fun game. But the NPC's ruined my mid-game experience. I ordered a small ship to defend a trading ship, which forms a fleet. My trading ship gets attacked, i expected my S ship to defend it. It did not. My S flew around, approaching random locations around my trading ship, which my trading ship also seems to be confused, and then blows up.

I expect thing to behave how they are explained in the game. This isn't the case, and after doing tutorials on youtube/google for explanations, it really isn't as simple to do.

More infurriating to play than it is for me to enjoy. I dont know, maybe i'm not understanding it properly...
Not a strict 'No' review, but i wouldn't encourage any of my friends to play who might be interested in managing a space empire
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Комментариев: 2
Growler 23 янв в 4:54 
aha! Took them long enough though if they have/are fixing it.

I will give 7.5 a try when its released.
Thank you for letting me know <3
devildog4045 22 янв в 17:17 
This is a known bug being addressed in the current beta 7.5.