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Análises recentes de Mina

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86.4 horas registradas
Just magical!
Publicada em 21 de novembro de 2023.
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39.9 horas registradas (26.9 horas no momento da análise)
Starship Troopers was always a Fun thing to watch on TV. In this kind of game its actually a lot of fun, even after playing threw 2 times its getting boring. But still i got 26 hours out of it, so i really can not complain.
Publicada em 24 de novembro de 2022.
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17.9 horas registradas
Its kind of strange to say after i finished it, i really was thinking i enjoyed it. The visuals are great. The songs and Voiceacting are amazing. It was very emotional. But what hit me was, that i was knowing what will happen after 4 hours of playing. No twisted plot, nothing suprising. The people arround reacted like expected.
Its kind of sad it reminded me of the series ,that are comming out these days. Its just another story like all the others and the ending is so boring, that i changed my mind to even trying to bring it to 100%.
So if you want something nice to hear and view its good for 20 hours, but its a game that need a good story and i find its not working out there.
Even wondering if i will get the next game.
Publicada em 25 de outubro de 2022.
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83.7 horas registradas (12.0 horas no momento da análise)
No idea, how people can enjoy this game with this server situation right now.
Amazon is not giving any statement, if they want to change the situation later, to make the maximum player on a server bigger or not .
Even that they put on new Server, so that you can play, this game is a PVP with a kind of RVR ( House v House) system and than you have a full server and can not even join or play with your friends?
You still do not even start in the same Area and people must run over the hole map to start together.
For me this game could be the best in the World, but if i can not play with my friends in an MMORPG, because i am hanging 2 Hours in a queque and than after 20 minutes i have a disconnect and have to wait another 2 hours, thats a no go. And the only option is than to play alone on a Low popular server, to hope that Amazon is so sweet to us, to make a server trans later in the game, to finally be able to play with my friends?
I will look into it next month again, maybe than i can finally do not just have a QueQue Simulator and a SP game i can enjoy, like i hoped for a year.
Publicada em 1 de outubro de 2021. Última edição em 25 de novembro de 2021.
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93.6 horas registradas
After now nearly 100 hours in this game and 100% Achievments, I had to write about it.
First I was angry about the publisher. Changing the release time again and again. Then I thought why not, that only will make the game better. So I kept the Pro Order and hoped for the best.
And then on the first day I started to play. And it was great. I was lucky, I did not encounter all the bugs many had. Also, I was lucky to play it on PC and not on the Consoles.
But then later I had a bug after bug and only by exchanging save games I could finish all achievements.
But here already stopped the negative part about this amazing game. This game is the first game I just enjoyed driving to the next Quest, the next location. I never even sipped the automatic drives.
The music is amazing, the characters are great and even playing parts (especially the endings) again and again was ok. I like to collect all and it never went boring. Every small side quest was special and interesting.
I have nothing more to play for the moment, but if the deals will be as good as the game so far I will for sure will play all of them, even that I normally hate to come back after half a year. But this time I am sure I will come back and try to finish all 100% again.
So I can only say, get the game, try it out, do not look too much on some bugs and enjoy this totally different world. Just drive threw the desert and enjoy the lights during the night.
Publicada em 21 de janeiro de 2021.
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19.1 horas registradas
Its not the biggest, the best or the most inventive game i have played this year.
But to feel like the good old Commando times was nice and its not like the normal titels, that comes out every year, so give it a try and enjoy some hours of something different :).
Publicada em 26 de novembro de 2020.
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22.7 horas registradas (18.8 horas no momento da análise)
After i finished it now many times over again, in different difficulties, i wanted to tell about my experiances.

First the pros:
- Easy to get into the game for beginners.
- For them who the game is still to hard, there is an Ingame Shop to get items that makes it much easier
for every difficultie.
- The ingame shop is for ingame currency, no real money involved
- Very good atmosphere
- Jump scares (some maybe do not like them but they are still good even after the first time)
- Very recognizable places from the second part (mostly good for the players that play 3 for the first time)
- Riddles that are interesting and not to hard (You will know some if you played Resident Evil before)
- Got an extra Multiplayer game with it for free.


- High difficulty is nearly unplayable without the items from the shop
- Its short (But somehow I still enjoy playing it again and again)
- Not many different types of enemies

To put that all together I can say I really enjoyed the game.

I got my 32/32 with a lot of destroyed nerves, but it was amazing and a lot of fun, to try again and again until I got it. The fact that there were so many places I know from other games, made it so much more fun. It feels like a compact story and many missing things were explained.

It was really short and the first play threw, I finished in 6 hours, with reading everything, going to all the places and looking for all the secrets. But then I wanted to play it again try it out to play against stronger monsters.
And the first time in my life, I felt like I am doing a speed run, to get my S Rank in Inferno. And I even did it under one hour. From 6 hours to under one hour. For me that’s crazy because I play this kind of games maybe once sometimes a second time, but that’s it.

So for me its one of the best games of this kind in many many years and I can say its worth every Cent. Hope you all have as much fun as I have.
I still have to try out the multiplayer will see how that will be.
Publicada em 7 de abril de 2020.
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89.5 horas registradas (31.2 horas no momento da análise)
Its back and better than ever.
Finaly the units even find their way. Hmm nearly ;).
Publicada em 26 de novembro de 2019.
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107.8 horas registradas (96.0 horas no momento da análise)
After nearly 100 hour in this game, i can say i am totaly stunned.
I did never expected a publisher could do such a good work, after messing up a hole game serie.
But actually they did turn arround and focused on the strong points of Assassins Creed.
First of all they show an amazing world. The view is great and you have the feeling to be really back in time.
You do not have to go to towers anymore to see whats arround you, you only need to go to these places to fast travel.
The game gives you the option to finish it in different ways.
You want to fight against 20 enemies sure, or no one should see you also possible, or you let your enemies fight themselfs no problems.
I needed these 90+ hours to actually use all option of fighting in this game.
And when i talk about fighting they make it so much better than this parry conter thing before.
The side missions are often the same but somehow they managed, that you never get the feeling they are.
So to put all together. This game brings nothing new, but put all good things together what an open world game should do and is pulling out the best out of this.
I can not wait for the DLCs to come and to see if they keep up with this great work or not, the future will show.
I say get the game and see it yourself, i am sure its worse the price (and ofcause even more worse it on sale ;) ).
Publicada em 24 de novembro de 2017.
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14 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
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112.8 horas registradas
Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain

First i did not know know if i should get it. So many games before this one and this Big storyline let me thought if i get the hole story together.
But after a good friend told me the Basics to know about it i tried it out and wow it is amazing.

I would like to start with a list of Pros and Cons first:

+ Great Grafik
+ Wonderfull Storyline (even its sad on some parts and i was even crying a little)
+ So much Content to master and to explore
+ Great fast loading for an open World Game
+ Alot of Easter Eggs (some i even get at first view)
+ Alot of different Wappons (even if i do not use them)


- The sound options are a little missing
- The socond missions repeated themself to often

After this game i can say i am a fan of the MGS Series and i hope i can try out the other games someday too.
The atmosphere is amazing ,running arround in the middle of the night than a storm starts and i just stand still to enjoy the rain (crazy i know ).
Event the sand storms i like, but they ruin some of my missions too.
It took me more than 100 hours to finish the story line and it will take me another 100 to get some missions perfectly done because this game brings you to finish them again and again untill it get not better.
During playing there were alot of sad moments and first i was a little angree. But in the end i think that was also a good part of the atmosphere because its a Wargame and loses are normal in a War.
Another important point for me was that you can finish a mission with just shooting yourself threw the enemy or just stealth arround them, without killing anybody or even without useing your items one time. So after some missions i played it again just by trying to get threw it without beeing seen at all.
Only the repeating of some second missions where you have to "kill" again and again the same kind of enemy really was to much and you feel like they just wanted to put more gaming time in.
After i spoke with my friends about the story they told me they were missing alot of the old stories in it, so i maybe will change my thinking about the story later when i finish the other games (even if i do not really think that my opinion will change alot). Oh and before i forget it, like i said before the loading time this game has is amazing. I played alot of other open world games before like the Witcher 3 and Shadow of Morder. In MGS i was never thinking like oh no not again a loading screen and thats really amazing.

My Conclusion:

All in all this game makes nothing wrong.
I have alot of fun with it and just the option that you can finish a mission without killing anyone is great i love it.
If i have to choose again i would take again and again because you get alot of fun for your money.
When you put away the small options problems and the repeating of some missions i give the game a great rating:

10/10 - I will keep on playing it alot!
After all these hours and finishing it i am still happy with it alot and would get it again.
Publicada em 3 de outubro de 2015. Última edição em 24 de novembro de 2016.
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