Antoine   Nancy, Lorraine, France
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195 Hours played
Despite enjoying the game since the first playtest, nothing motivated me to recommend this game until last patch.

The core concept is funny and enjoyable. A "loot extractor" with a dungeon and dragon vibe is realy funny.

The gameplay is in line with some melee games i like the most. Even if the mecanics are not as developped as chivalry or mordhau, at least it's in the same line which is enjoyable. They could have released a simple "action rpg slasher" type of gameplay which is the easy way to go for every deleopper having melee element in their game but they went for something more complexe instead in line with the best studios that ever worked on first person melee games like Chivarly and Mordhau i mentionned above.


The only issue, in my opinion, was the extreme importance of gear and the fact that in a same lobby you could end up facing some opponent having a gear score ten times better than yours. Let's be honest, even if there's always something you can do to win and thus you'll never have 0% chance to prevail, it was nearly impossible. Obviously ruining the fun of many players based on raw math instead of a true skill diff. The feeling of fairness wasn't there.
On the other hand i never enjoyed winning easy fights and realising my opponents had little chance to win due to my gear being superior. A flavourless victory.

And then, they released a patch reducing the difference between the best gear obtainable and the starting gear you can have, as well as lowering the time-to-kill (number of hits required to kill an opponent). Pushing the importance of team play, individual skill and global understanding of the game way further than before.
Which, from a competitive point of view, is a step in the right direction.

Yet, as you can imagine, it led many people to spam bad reviews and negative comments on forums because they can't abuse their gear anymore to mindlessly one hit kill low geared players that are now a threat to them.
And you know humanity : most of us are not fair competitors with knightly valors but more abusers enjoying to bully people that can't retaliate (videogames be like).

Now that this is over, it's the perfect moment for new players and more competitive / pvp players to dive in this game and enjoy it in a fair and healthy environment. Comme get your fun, you'll have your moments like any others and maybe you'll even become a fierce opponent to face while crawling in a dark dungeon !


Changing my recommandation as they reverted the changes due to PvE crowd pressuring them using different manners.

Game is back to gear based RPG like any others.
I AM SØ FRESH 4 Dec, 2024 @ 12:55am 
You like kissing boys, don't you?
⡿⠿⠄⠻⡖⢰⡆⠀⠀⢸⣿⣿⡇⠀⠀ ⢸⡆⢹⠋⠁⠚⣿
Addy 30 May, 2024 @ 3:02pm 
coeur sur toi bébou
Retoon 6 Dec, 2023 @ 5:44am 
Rioum 28 Nov, 2023 @ 11:12am 
Shrek te regarde.
Siférix 30 Jan, 2023 @ 11:27am 
Tu es trop têtu, il faut projeter du gros sel ou une solution saline partout sur toute la France et relancer en même temps l'économie. il faut faire tomber les masques des gens qui sont entrant de vivre et tu ne fait pas exception, une modification nucléaire causé par un virus devenu intelligent par la 6G et non la 5G comme tout le monde accuse. Délivre les documents sismique militaire du vingt un septembre deux mille et un, montre au monde la position précise de l'épicentre principal équivalent à l'utilisation d'une bombe atomique mesurée. Explosée sous les pieds s'une population actant le scénario, base secrète militaire, l'eau pour cacher vos bêtises. Je ne te donnerai plus de conseils, vu que t'es têtu tu vas te délivrer au mal directement ou tu ne voit pas que ton peuple se jettent contre toi. Il s'agit d'une personne informé par moi-même sur l'affaire secret qui consiste un crime contre l'humanité.
kami_koi 4 Sep, 2021 @ 10:42am 
Good mannered gentleman :hats_off: