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Recent reviews by StabileGlatze

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1.4 hrs on record
Will take my refund for now. Stutters like every 10-15 seconds with a PC many people would dream of. Sad - i really wanted to enjoy this game but i am not willing to spend a lot of time to find any working graphic settings. I consider buying again when the price drops or there's a significant optimization in performance.
Posted 20 November, 2024.
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406.7 hrs on record
Invested around 400 hours since release and it starts to feel pretty dull to me. I don't care too much about repetitiveness in MMO's cause they all have that sort of grind to them after all. But there are some mandatory issues with the crafting side of things, how abysmally low droprates are, how slow progess can be as a F2P-Player and that many mechanics are build to create "fear of missing out" so you end up spending money. I had high hopes for this game when it released but the more i see/play the more cracks and flaws shine through. I feel burned out at this Point even tho i was part in a Top 3 Guild on Server destruction.

Biggest red flags:

- If you are not in a top Guild you basically skip half of the games Content because you get outnumbered or just dont have the Chance to Play for any Guild vs Guild Content. But thats literally what 99 % of this game is About: PvP

- Crafting System? What Crafting System? You literally throw the same gear together to unlock traits. Some traits right now cost around 300-400 lucent (ingame currency) for any Epic gear to boost your Tiers. So in order to uprade an Epic item you either need a lot of dropluck or around 3000-6000 lucent depending on the item. Good luck "farming" them. Everything is timegated and rarer loot is only achieved in (open world) Dungeons for which you Need Tokens to enter.
Items, once you have touched them, are basically completely useless. You can throw them on other gear to transer the EXP and some Blessing for the traits and that's About it. You won't be able to sell it or get any resources back. A complete moneysink made to vanish the lucents you spent into oblivion.

- The game is GIGA-punishing: The game leaves no experimental freedom in so many areas. You essentially set yourself behind in multiple ways if you do not know how it's done the right way.

=> You skipped upgrading / full traiting your blue gear and went right with epic gear like any logic human being would do? Too bad, you coulda saved so many Growthstones and other resources so you essentially just set yourself behind for days (if not even weeks) to get these resources again cause you didn't know better.

=> You wanted to swap your Weapon cause you didn't enjoy your current setup? Aww, lets level that Weapon mastery right from the start again. If you are lucky you still have some of your precious Skill-Swap books. And if not: Just start a new Character cause thats way more efficient than rebuilding your character.

I can assure you that MOST of the playerbase did the 2 above mentioned mistakes unless you played in Korea before or you studied this game way before it came out. Games should leave room for improvement and freedom to explore or expiriment with the options and skills. This wiggleroom is not available in TnL and if you don't do stuff the correct way right from the start you are screwed,

- PvP: Right now theres exactly one META - stack Melee Evasion when you are ranged DPS and the other side stacks Hit Chance when you are tank / melee. This Right here is the most FRUSTRATING calculation i have ever seen in a game. If you happen to come across someone that has substantially more Evasion Chance than you got Hit Chance you basically miss 75 % of your attacks. That does NOT only include Auto attacks but also EVERY. SINGLE. SKILL. You love a guy being prone on the Ground cause you finally managed to hit them with CC, Pop your Guillotine blade that charged for 2 seconds, you smile cause it's almost fully charged just to realize: MISS - never have i seen a more infuriating hit calculation than in TnL.

- Loot Distribution in this game is HORRENDOUS. The game should be played in guilds cause it has a lot of Benefits besides the social part. You can do contracts for Reputation, you can do Guild bosses for loot, you can buy stuff at Guild Merchants that offer some daily resources. The game is not meant to be played as a single Player or purely for PvE. The biggest issue with guilds tho is that NCsoft aswell as Amazon completely shifted the responsibility to distribute loot into the Players Hands. Guild Leaders can decide whether loot you drop goes directly into the guildstash, you can Claim them for 5 minutes after dropping or every Player gets their loot direcly. More serious Guilds that have the slightest of ambitions tho will distribute items to Players that can make use of the item most of the time. You basically share loot with thousands of Players cause there is no "own" loot besides the dungeonchests you can Claim three times a day.

- Pay2Win / Pay2Progress: Essentially the same Thing but People will say that you COULD POTENTIALLY achieve something a swiper does so its "not that bad" Right? But where do you draw the line if Pay2Progress = Pay2Win or not? Someone straight up outgearing you at a certain Point cause he Paid Money and you refused to is still Pay2Win. If you have 2 equally skilled Players the one swiping will still win most likely. This won't have the biggest Impact if we talk Large Scale PvP but it does have Impact in Arena or even Guild vs Guild.


If you can deal with being behind in Progress constantly without investing money, you just want to Play a Beautiful game casually when you got some spare time or you give a ♥♥♥♥ About Money and swipe: This game is for you.
Posted 12 November, 2024. Last edited 14 November, 2024.
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78.8 hrs on record
Early Access Review
I played 80 hours and would like to say that i've made quite a lot of experiences in Palworld. My highest Character is Level 42 and the gameplay was fun up until this point.

I don't think that i can recommend the game in its current state tho - a lot of people say this game is better than any AAA-title in Early Access that came out recently. I can't support that statement. The game defenitely has it's flaws and they're not small ones too. My biggest issues right now that i dislike personally:

- Pathfinding is awful: You wanna use a flying Pal in your base? Nah man. Gets stuck in every tree/logsite you can find and will starve to death.
- No managing of tasks: You can assign them for a limited time / task. But i'd like to be able to tell a Pal to ONLY do 1 thing and never something else.
- Raiding: The overall experience is awful. Raids are not really challenging and get boring / annoying after time. If you cut off any entrance point the raiders don't even do something anymore. In my base they had to move through a small lake cause i cut off the entrance points and they just bugged out / went idle cause they had no way to get in...

Changing World Settings
This one is kinda hard to explain. I just dislike the fact that this is there. I get that people want to experiment with stuff and may not have all the time to grind on the x1 EXP rate. BUT: This setting pretty much takes all the fun from "achieving" something in Palworld. People can just boost everything in their world. From droprates, to EXP rates or catchrates - you can tune it up as you please. So me sitting in my world with all the "normal" rates, achieving something that can actually be quite hard is just not exciting because everybody who is investing less time or preparation can get the same result by boosting ♥♥♥♥ up.

Shiny Pals
So, i dont really know if some guy in Pocketpairs Headquarter smoked something when coming up with the idea to make shiny Pals 17x bigger than regular ones and only "shiny" when spotting them in the world. WIth the above issues (Pathfinding, getting stuck ect.) this makes it even worse. They probably wanted to avoid any copyright claims from Nintendo by giving "shiny" Pals a different color / shine to them because that's pretty much what Pokemon does. I have no other explaination why they went for this.

I think the breeding system needs a complete overhaul. Like my statement for the World Settings, the same philosophy applies to the breeding. If you every played Temtem you heard about "fertility" - that is basically the value on how often you can breed with a parent (female) before it cannot be used for breeding anymore - this is a must for these games in order to guarantee endgamecontent as far as breeding goes. Palworld doesn't have that. As long as you have "cake" you can breed until your Pal has 4x golden passives / stats that you like. There is next to no RNG involved and no risk since Pals can be used infinitely. Also: Breeding with a shiny Pal has ZERO chance for the child to be shiny. It is just not exciting at all and getting golden passives from parents is WAY to easy.

TLDR: Game has a good foundation to be good in the future. As of right now the game is showing me signs that there is next to no RNG involed for the most part when it comes to like breeding or achieving exciting things. In my opinion the game will lack long term fun and replayability if they dont rework breeding (make it harder) and shiny Pals (make them rarer, visually more exciting, include chance for child to be shiny if one or both parents are shiny too)
Posted 26 January, 2024.
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7,410.4 hrs on record (7,406.6 hrs at review time)

After all these years and 8.000 Hours played it is still beyond my imagination that you cannot play this game properly without involving 3rd party play like Faceit. The Anticheat sucks straight up ass and Valve is not going to anything about it anytime soon.
Posted 10 October, 2023. Last edited 4 February.
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1 person found this review helpful
13.1 hrs on record (12.7 hrs at review time)
Posted 14 February, 2014.
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