Net Terminal Genes
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已运行 10.3 小时
I made a bow, a few arrows, and while berry picking I came across a little community in the wilderness. A few people were gathering around making friendly small talks and making small sheds. I shot somebody in the butt. They got angry and started chasing me with machetes. crowbars, and axes. They wanted to gut me alive. We ran around the houses, the backyards, the slides. They couldn't catch me because we all ran at the same speed.
I ran into another crowd, one of them's butt I had shot previously. They recognized me. Luckily for me, the other crowd attacked them on accident, thinking one of them was me. The two crowds started a gang war between each other. I ran into a berry bush and hide, watching the two crowds fighting each other, thinking I may be able to pick some goodies up after they are done with each other. Both sides suffered some casualties before they realized I am the true culprit. They stopped fighting each other and ten people started looking for me, calling my name telling me I won't see another day of daylight.
They moved closer to the bush where I was hiding. "GET HIM!" One of them spotted me, started chargigg toward me with an axe. I ran, and luckily found a truck not far away on the other side of the fence.
I E into the car, locked the door, checked to see what the car might be missing. A battery, and a spark plug. People were gathering around the car, started punching it. In a hurry I checked my bag, well, what do you know, I do have a battery and a spark plug! I put the battery and spark plug into the slots, and brrrrrrrmmmm the engine started.
I did a 360 reverse with the car, in the process ran over four people, road rage has never felt this good. I high tailed it toward the highway, while hearing the voice of a survivor yelling at me "NOOOOO, YOU KILLED ELMO!!! WHYYYYYYY???"

99/10, would do it again.