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10 people found this review helpful
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0.7 hrs on record
Bad game design at it's finest, if you or any required object gets stuck in the scenery (hoplessly easy to do as grabbing ignores collsion) you cannot ever progress further without clicking new game and starting back at the beginning.
Posted 26 December, 2014.
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8 people found this review helpful
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0.2 hrs on record
Funny for a 10 year old
Posted 22 December, 2014.
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5 people found this review helpful
5.6 hrs on record (0.2 hrs at review time)
Severe motion sickness, the camera cannot stop jerking around every time you switch direction, which when platforming happens ALOT.
Insane amount of pointless collectables
No movement other than left/right & jump
Posted 20 December, 2014.
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11.9 hrs on record (8.7 hrs at review time)
Borderlands 1 with most of its downflaws addressed and polished to a mirror shine. Sounds great, But... I've played too much borderlands to apprechate it, underneath your essentually doing the same thing, which left me in a somewhat catatonic trance of pressing e when playing it, and after 8 hours I cant for the life of me point out a single memorable thing that happened or what Im doing, It feels a bit too in my face with too much going on to really take it all in.
But I can say If you havent played borderlands it'll be amazing, but if your tired of the gameplay of borderlands 1, I personally dont think this brings enough to the table to freshen things up.
Posted 2 October, 2012.
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15.4 hrs on record (15.4 hrs at review time)
This game could of been an epic mulitplayer murder detective game, they have a fully customisable outfits, NPC's that you can talk to, sim's style needs, shops, restarunts, all fhe features are there for a great game, in which NONE are used in any of the game types. Its a crime beyond belief, the players and the imersive ship enviroment are never brought together. As a result no one played it when it was released, and no one plays it now.

I't really needs a 2 teir objective system, yes the hunt to kill your quarry, but another objective system that imerses you into the ship and makes & rewards you actually act like a passenger on a ship, instead of treating it as a deathmatch arena.

Outerlight released a 2nd game (BGT) with the exact same issues and subsequently went bust.
Posted 15 January, 2012.
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2.6 hrs on record
I want to like this game I really do, but its just such a piss poor job of converting it to pc its unforgivable.
Firstly it takes 4 menus 2 load screen and a conformation box to exit the game, which in all take about 40 secconds.
The HUD is crap, its an xbox dpad, useless for a 1234 keyboard layout.
the controls fair no better, it is a littral mapping of pad A = LMB, etc
each button does about 3 things depending if your holding control or shift, I have 152 keys let me use them!

Aside from that, the game is pretty slow paced, building up to the assisintations, which isn't as bad as it seems, despite the game trying it's best to make movement not feel slow, becomes a chore.

It does have some spark to it, the climing animations is fanstasticly well done, and fighting is enjoyable, but you have very little connection with the enviroment around you, nothing ever changes or progresses, making playing it seem pointless.
Posted 1 December, 2011.
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33.0 hrs on record
Buyer beware, this game is multiplayer only, which is well and truly dead.
Posted 1 April, 2011. Last edited 16 January, 2016.
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1.4 hrs on record
Flawed, in that it makes you join games already playing, which you cannot join in. whole game is just a spectator sport and too much effort to fight with the server selector to play.
Posted 16 December, 2010.
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