Adam Woodhead   Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom (Great Britain)
I play CS:S.
I'm 16.
I'm called Adam.
I like girls! I'm no gay ♥♥♥♥..
I like Rap/ Some rock/ Rave(L)/ Techno.
I smoke tobacco/ weed.
I won't go near XTC or Crack or any other weird ♥♥♥♥..
I go to parties.
I get pissed.
I Love my clan.. uG! (UnderOath Gaming).

I'm basically your average 16 year old lad.. xD

Lovin it!

If you want to join The UnderOath Gaming Clan, join our TeamSpeak server on Talk to Dark, Rekky, Krakken, Kazuple, Unstoppable or Myself, and we will get you sorted out in this clan! Hope for you to join (if you read this lol)!

Happy Gaming!
Currently Offline