Aldo 30 Mar, 2021 @ 11:52am 
King of the Hill in japanese is an interesting watch experience
Aldo 18 Feb, 2021 @ 5:38pm 
Hey, everything is good here thankfully , we had some power and water loss intermittently for few day but everything is back to normal in our area. Thanks for checking up , hopefully everything is good with you and your family too.
Aldo 28 Jan, 2021 @ 10:24am 
Aldo 3 Jan, 2021 @ 7:37am 
No Problem man, Hope you like the game. I heard good things about from fellow Ghibli fans so I had great expectation for it. Glad you like the KotH stuff they always reminds me of you lol. Good to hear you feeling better, Covid can be really bad experience from what i heard from the people that got it. Hopefully those checkup goes well. Hopefully with vaccine being out, this pandemic all over soon
Aldo 25 Dec, 2020 @ 4:28pm 
Thank You for the gift man ! I appreciate it. Everything is good here with me and my family, I hope everything is going well with you and your Family too. This years is almost over and hopefully the next one will be better for all of us. Thank You again for gift and Happy Holiday!
Aldo 18 Jul, 2020 @ 9:27am 
Interesting new star trek series
Aldo 8 May, 2020 @ 4:12pm 
I heard about it being cynical and Picard saying interesting things lol. Yeah we definitely need to catch up, I have much more free time now that alot of things are slow. Are you on discord ?
Aldo 6 May, 2020 @ 10:56pm 
Aldo 19 Apr, 2020 @ 10:27am 
Hey, good to hear you and your family are doing well ! Everything is good on my end thankfully , just likewise isolated lol. The whole past year been pretty busy for me with school and work, Alot has happened, I finished my BSCS degree, had a long job search, and visited my brother in Europe so I only recently I got some free time to catch up on my shows and games so Picard is on the to do list lol.
Aldo 17 Apr, 2020 @ 9:25am 
Hey man! how have you been ? I hope you and your family are doing good in these time!
Aldo 11 Sep, 2018 @ 8:29pm 
Hey man! it is good to hear from you ! I have been doing good just been busy like usual with work and school projects. What about you ? How have you been? I hope everything is going well with you. Hopefully we can chat and game soon !
Aldo 7 Jun, 2018 @ 1:24pm 
Aldo 4 Nov, 2017 @ 11:31am 
Hey, No problem hope you like it, I have been doing good just been very busy with school and work. Glad you have fixed your computer. now hoepfully we can catchup!
Aldo 21 Aug, 2017 @ 8:42pm 
Hey man ! everything is going good with me, what about you ? How have you been? oh also am not sure if you got it but I have sent you a steam message around month ago about what is going with DnD group using the chat app . I have started school again recently so the might make a bit busy on weekdays but I would love to play some DnD with you soon and i should be still free on most weekends. Hopefully our time can sync soon so we can talk , plan, and play something fun soon!
Lotus Games 5 Jun, 2017 @ 10:03am 
Daddy knows your secret
Genuine Peaches 14 Dec, 2016 @ 1:54am 
Aldo 29 Nov, 2016 @ 8:50am 
That was hilarious video, but that part was somewhat unsettling lol.
Aldo 23 Nov, 2016 @ 6:31pm 
Hey man! thank you for the gift, it is really great hopefully we can play it and other games togather soon, i am almost done with my classes for this semster only few more weeks and i should be good for awhile. Hopefully we will be play to play and chat very soon!
Aldo 3 Nov, 2016 @ 9:26am 
Hey! no problem man hope you like the game. I have been doing good, just been really busy with school and work. I have been taking more classes and work hours which got me busy with them almost everyday the past few months. Congratulation on being an official DM that is really cool! you able to do alot of cool stuff with that. I have told my friends about playing or roll20 with you and they liked the idea and are existed about so hopefully we can organize something soon that run well with everyone schedule and hopefully we can also get to paly some saint row soon, school is about to be done for me. . Good luck with job and Hopefully you will get it.
Aldo 9 Sep, 2016 @ 3:44pm 
Hey man ! i have been doing good, i have been just really busy with school and work. I am taking alot of courses this semster so that have got me a busy for awhile. I think should have some time on the weekends to try the game out on Roll20, it would be really cool to do that. What about you, how you been?
Aldo 30 Jan, 2016 @ 1:54pm 
Hey man thats good to hear hopefully we can talk and play soon!
Aldo 22 Jan, 2016 @ 9:08pm 
Good to hear from you man, glad to hear everything is good!! I have been great just busy with school and work. Hopefully we can talk soon on steam or find a new form of contact. it feels like we are using postal mail to talk lol.
Aldo 8 Nov, 2015 @ 9:12pm 
Hey man good to hear from you ! hope you had a good trip and no problem man hope you like the game ! i have been doing good just busy with school, i usually tuesday, friday and the weekend hopefully we can catch each other during on of those times soon !
Aldo 8 Sep, 2015 @ 2:54pm 
Hey man! sorry i have not been much on the past few week, school has started and i have been busy with it. I should be more free from now on. Hope we can talk soon!
Aldo 19 Aug, 2015 @ 7:52pm 
Thank you ! and Congratualion on getting the diploma. The summer classes went well!! and your right it been awhile hopefully we can talk soon lol.
Aldo 11 Jun, 2015 @ 1:49pm 
Hey man! Good to hear that you are doing good, indeed its been a while. ! Everything is good with me i've just got done with my classes and work. How was your vacation ? Hopefully we can catch each on soon to play and chat!
Aldo 27 May, 2015 @ 6:10pm 
Hey, how is it going man ? its been awhile !
Max Dakka 18 May, 2015 @ 5:53am 
I would probably have shot you had I been there. HOW DO YOU NOT WANT TO BE A PART OF THAT!?
Max Dakka 16 May, 2015 @ 12:51pm 
What the hell did you do!? DID YOU CUT CARLOS' HAIR?
Max Dakka 23 Jan, 2015 @ 7:15pm 
AW YEAH I wanna go to a showing this year if I can get tickets.
Max Dakka 23 Jan, 2015 @ 2:09pm 
Uuuuuh somewhere NOT Ohio?
Aldo 20 Dec, 2014 @ 11:29pm 
Hey man thanks for the great gift !!! indeed it has been a while, hopefully everything is going well with you, i have been crazy busy with work and finishing my classes . We really need to catch up soon lol.
Aldo 27 Nov, 2014 @ 10:28pm 
Hey man glad to hear from you ! hopefully we could catch each other soon, we keep missing each other lol . Many thanks for the great Gift !!!!
Aldo 17 Nov, 2014 @ 12:50pm 
Good to hear that you doing good after going throuugh that and also finishing your Spanish studies. Indeed we need to catch up lol . Hope you have safe trip!
Aldo 2 Nov, 2014 @ 10:00pm 
No problem man hope you enjoy it. Good know you had a good birthday. I have been doing good just busy with work and classes. Man we keep missing each other it feels like a comedy lol. I should be on more these coming days hopefully we can catch each other then.
Aldo 6 Oct, 2014 @ 3:47pm 
Hey, welcome back hope you had a good trip,and indeed we need to catch up lol, i will be on tonight and tomorrow morning
Aldo 10 Aug, 2014 @ 3:12am 
Good to know that you are doing well and having fun with your work and passing your spanish classes.Also hope you have fun with your next trip. And Hopefully we can get on the same time and not miss each other by few minutes like last few times lol.
Hank Rutherford Hill 8 Aug, 2014 @ 1:10pm 
Good to hear! I've been good too, just insanely busy. I was working solid through the whole month of July, but it was fun and nice to have something to do, lol. I passed my Spanish class with a B, too, so now I only have one more to go! The trip went well! I'm going to be offline again during pretty much the whole month of September, when I'm traveling, so I'm going to try to log on several times this month so we can play some games before I go! Hopefully we're online at the same times again, lol.
Aldo 31 Jul, 2014 @ 7:15am 
Hey! I have been good, What about you, How you been ? How was your trip?
Also Gandhi been busy