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TL;DR This game shows massive potential, but falls flat due to poor AI and pacing, as well as a horribly inconsistent learning curve. If this game costed five bucks, I wouldn't buy it.

There is very little story present in this game, and what story there is is extremely hard to follow. None of the three playable characters ever develop a personality, as well as the writing in general just being rather poor. Even after collecting intel, it's very difficult to understand any part of the story. The lack in coherent storytelling also resulted in massive disappointment/slight relief when I found out that levels 7 and 8 featured no actual gameplay, and were simply glorified cutscenes.

Randy's Gameplay (Levels 1 & 4)
Randy has access to a melee attack and a gun, making him the only character to have two attack methods. This gives you the ability to go about multiple ways of dispatching your enemies, and because of this Randy is the most solid playable character from a design standpoint. His multiple methods of attack also gives him the steepest learning curve, and so introducing him first is a questionable decision.

In both of Randy's levels, certain foes have the potential to patrol around areas, and every foe has the basic capability to hear gunshots, grabbing their attention and drawing them to the player. This combination of abilities, as well as patrols not following a consistent pattern/starting at a consistent point upon death, results in a questionable contradiction to the memory-based style this game seems to advocate for. On top of that, the very fact that the player is required to both memorize enemy placements AND be able to react to inconsistent encounters with patrolling enemies means that it isn't possible to beat a level with the same game plan multiple times consecutively. Enemies might hear bullets they hadn't heard before, guards might patrol into your vision instead of staying hidden, etc. This makes it frustrating when an attempt is ruined by an enemy that I've encountered before, but is simply waiting in a different place/acting in a different behavior.

The strategy of conserving bullets in these levels can be fun, but it's impossible to understand how to conserve your bullets properly before being exposed to the entire level, resulting in a copious amount of trial and error. After beating these levels, repeated attempts have been significantly more enjoyable, but the inconsistent gameplay remains present.

Franz's Gameplay (Levels 2 & 5)
Franz is unique from the other characters in that he only possesses a silenced gun, entirely lacking a melee attack. On top of that, his bullets can't be replenished, and so each shot counts. You are required to line up as many enemies as you can when you can, as it is impossible (or at the very least unintended) to win with a final bullet count higher than zero. The lack of forgiveness isn't too punishing in level 2. The same cannot be said for level 5, easily the worst (and likely hardest) stage in the game.

Enemies do not patrol nor hear gunshots in Franz's levels, meaning they're only method of aggro is by seeing you, which all generally do. Missing a lineup of enemies is a fatal mistake, and so it is imperative that all enemy placements are memorized. This goal is absolutely hair-tearing when faced with level 5, as not only is your vision reduced, but the beginning of the level requires pixel perfect foot positioning in order to aggro the right groups of enemies. Any misstep will result in either a guaranteed loss or a heavy risk of misusing a bullet, which at that point is also a guaranteed loss.

This playstyle is my favorite due to a fundamental consistency in AI behavior, but the level design is abysmal, and there is a a cold, zero margin of error. It should also be noted that level 2 was infinitely easier than level 1 and 3 due to the aforementioned consistency in AI.

Terry's Gameplay (Levels 3 & 6)
Terry's only method of disposing enemies is his melee attack, though to compensate, he comes equipped with both a roll and a shameful waste of a gimmick that is slowmode. Slowmode temporarily slows down both the player and their foes an equal amount, meaning that the only benefit you're able to get out of slowmode is an extra second to react before the bar fully depletes. This skill also replenishes at an astonishingly depressing rate, only allowing you to really use it once or twice per attempt unless you're willing to wait around an extra 10 seconds for a full bar, which completely contradicts the fast-paced nature of the game, and especially Terry's playstyle. Ultimately, I didn't need to use slowmode at all on my successful attempts, and as much as I'd like to see a buff, the head developer has already made it clear that one isn't going to happen anytime soon.

As far as the levels themselves go, I was able to beat level 3 relatively quickly by frantically spamming roll and punching whenever I had the opportunity, but the same could not be said for level 6, which boasts trial and error akin to Randy's levels. A specific enemy in this stage has the option to walk through a door, forcing players to handle enemies they might've wanted to put off until later. Fortunately, the door opening does hint towards the easiest way to handle enemies, but the fact that the game heavily discourages handling situations in multiple ways (a topic I'll handle in a bit) was in and of itself discouraging. To beat this level, I only rolled once, as rolling at any other point would result in an inconsistent death depending on where enemies were patrolling at the time. I was and still am disappointed that much of Terry's moveset was only utilized in his introduction stage, and not the stage that was supposed to have you put everything together.

(On a side-note, occasionally Terry doesn't punch when the mouse is clicked. I am unaware as to the specific cause of this, but upon further research it doesn't seem to be linked to roll cooldowns or previous punch cooldowns. I have checked to make sure that it wasn't my mouse causing this.)

Final Rating & Conclusion
Story: 2/10
Randy: 6/10
Franz: 2/10
Terry: 4/10
Final Rating: 3/10

As much as I wanted to like this game, it was extremely disappointing. The amount of trial and error, the presence of inconsistent patrolling, the near-perfect expectations interrupted by occasional bugs, and on top of that an underwhelming and utterly uninteresting story, resulted in an ultimate massacre of potential. (On a quick foot-note, I didn't have a section dedicated to the music because it lacked melody and memorability. It added a bit of atmosphere to the game, but did very little to improve my experience.)

Before I end this review, I do want to make a quick point about alternate methods of tackling issues, or rather the absolute absence of strategy variety. In every level (with a small exception for a hallway in level 4), there is only one path to travel, and there is only one or two solutions to every level (with the bigger exception for Franz, in which there is only one solution.) It is nigh impossible to express your preferred playstyle with this game because there are so few interactions to have with enemies. Part of this is understandable due to the heavy puzzle/strategy aspect of the game, but this is also a third-person shooter. Let a player shoot how they want to shoot without punishing them for not choosing the most convenient path.

I am very much looking forward to Unlimina's next project, but at the same time I am very much concerned for it.
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TinyBony198 1 Sep, 2023 @ 5:46pm 
nvm you play omega strikers
TinyBony198 1 Sep, 2023 @ 5:46pm 
can you buy me crab champions
TinyBony198 9 Oct, 2022 @ 2:50am 
I can easily beat this guy in guilty gear
King of Uganda 23 Apr, 2022 @ 4:30pm 
Do the thug shaker joaje :barotrauma:
coconate 30 Jan, 2022 @ 10:15am 
holy shut its the funny man, merry january
tmoney 30 Nov, 2021 @ 5:15pm 
true gamer