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Left 4 Dead 2

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Showing 1-3 of 3 entries
Swishy's Survivor Mods
Collection by Swishy
All of my survivor addons. All of my Survivor Mods have the show, movie, or game the character is from along with the game the model was used from listed in the bottom left of the thumbnail of the each mod. NOTE: Some of these mods are better alongside voi
Mods me & my friends use.
Collection by Swishy
blah blah blah
Swishy's Survivor Voice Mods
Collection by Swishy
All of my Survivor Voice Mods. I plan on making/adding more soon. NOTE: This mod replaces SOME of their voice lines, NOT all of them, and most certainly not most of them. The L4D characters have thousands of voice lines. NOTE: I used a "Mute Survivor:Name"
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