h 28 ott 2024, ore 8:41 
tengo restringido todo, no se puede hacer nada aqui fsdjklf
frigy 4 ago 2024, ore 0:15 
when he's calling for you
frigy 9 lug 2024, ore 19:58 
101 :cozytf2mug:
frigy 21 dic 2023, ore 8:53 
con traductor google uno puede hablar todos los idiomas, hasta idioma cetáceo :stunnedfairy:
h 13 dic 2023, ore 14:08 
awante maki
h 23 mag 2023, ore 9:43 
frigy 5 mar 2023, ore 8:00 
frigy 6 dic 2022, ore 13:05 
h 7 set 2022, ore 21:23 
frigy 9 ago 2022, ore 16:22 
Arethuza 15 feb 2022, ore 22:11 
AYAME NAKIRIUM HACK?英雄联盟 400 YUBI IN 24 MIN HACK ? 阴茎斗杜威纳 DEPRESSION GONE IN 2 MINUTES SPEEDRUN ? GULAG TELEPORTATION JUTSU ፕራይONን 黃金種植 HARVEST ENEMY SOUL FOR PEKOLAND?*ጥፋት ይመጣል动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Haachama 六四天安門事件 The Asacoco protests of September 2020 天安門大屠殺 The Bilibili Schedule Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Member-Only Coco Chat 大躍進政策 The Aqua Outfit Reveal 文化大革命 Bilibili VLC Stream 人權 Haachama Kitchen 民運 Holoharem 自由
frigy 22 dic 2021, ore 21:15 
y me voy:happy_yeti:
jaja :Heartyou:
frigy 22 dic 2021, ore 21:14 
Arethuza 29 giu 2021, ore 6:53 
Jeri is a big pepeg
frigy 2 apr 2021, ore 11:36 
frigy 14 mar 2021, ore 11:07 
frigy 10 gen 2021, ore 12:46 
frigy 21 dic 2020, ore 21:04 
frigy 15 dic 2020, ore 20:15 
( 🦈Warp Zone🦈 ) 2 ott 2020, ore 19:32 
its aight, sorry for late response, I rarely check my comments (moreso respond to threads and chat)
frigy 25 set 2020, ore 10:47 
Exhausted Purpose 23 set 2020, ore 20:38 
Ayo wuzz poppin' Jimbo
Its ya boi
Chips ahoy
( 🦈Warp Zone🦈 ) 23 set 2020, ore 16:58 
which problem
h 19 ago 2020, ore 13:21 
que bonito wawi
h 16 lug 2020, ore 21:05 
h 16 lug 2020, ore 13:50 
por eso mgta
house 15 giu 2020, ore 21:22 
who are you
frigy 13 giu 2020, ore 15:42 
brit 16 mag 2020, ore 1:55 
How dare you.
Look gordon ropes, we can use the- HELP ME GORDON!
Sayori 4 feb 2020, ore 18:57 
+rep anti rope gang :redbow:
h 26 gen 2020, ore 9:04 
qSnake 神 9 gen 2020, ore 6:09 
Sorry, my bad and wont do that again sir.
Suu 2 gen 2020, ore 10:13 
¡Que la felicidad te acompañe en este año que comienza! :cuphead:
h 25 dic 2019, ore 6:43 
feliz navidad wawi
frigy 25 dic 2019, ore 6:16 
𝐹𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑧 𝑁𝑎𝑣𝑖𝑑𝑎𝑑 :lovecube:
yo tambien te debo varios ghjskldñ
hachioji 24 dic 2019, ore 18:12 
Feliz navidad Iván, perdón la poca comunicación, espero poder hablarle más seguido algún día :sleepyjill:
h 13 dic 2019, ore 19:31 
dame cromos mjr uwu
h 29 nov 2019, ore 8:12 
la gente q ta dentro no uwu
Cinnamon Sky 21 ott 2019, ore 14:03 
Ajá! Tantas horas al OJ???
h 5 ott 2019, ore 13:44 
hola xanxi
hachioji 12 ago 2019, ore 19:42 
y eso que acepto a casi todos los que me agregan :eyes:
Krazy 8 mag 2019, ore 17:47 
Ya me respondiste hace tiempo pero no pasa nada(?
hachioji 10 apr 2019, ore 18:19 
ta pasao a jugo de naranja por aca
Krazy 17 mar 2019, ore 15:57 
Aguante el Orange Juice:abutterfly:
h 3 mar 2019, ore 12:08 
Moving On 23 feb 2019, ore 18:59 
ahcelo bo mismo 2
Moving On 23 feb 2019, ore 5:10 
hacelo bo mismo
hachioji 16 feb 2019, ore 19:15 
100% Orange Juice
121.3 hrs last two weeks / 252 hrs on record

is time to stop
hachioji 23 gen 2019, ore 13:53 
suerte en tu aventura