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投稿日: 2023年9月1日 5時49分
更新日: 2023年9月1日 5時52分

Absolutely amazing game, one of my favourites of all time. From the soundtrack and narration to the gameplay itself, you can see how much love the creators of this product put into it. It's extremely immersive and once you get this feeling of wanting to improve and get a better hit/KO count on a certain boss, chasing that goal until you actually reach it is so immensely rewarding. I've yet to finish it but I'm sure I will sooner rather than later. The fact that this is an indie title is crazy to me.
Also, regardless of what settings you play on, I HIGHLY recommend maximizing the graphics. If you don't get at least 60 FPS during fights, then reduce it for the fights accordingly, but if you're able to hit at least 30 FPS during everything else, the presentation of the game really hits well with max graphics. I really hope this studio comes out with either a sequel for this, or similar titles in the future. If they do I'll be the first to try them out.
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