Yud! WTS PolygonCoin
Rizki Yudi   Jakarta Raya, Indonesia
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Counter-Strike 2
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✅ YDZ Shop ✅
:csgox: CoinPolygon
:csgox: CoinAtse
:csgox: CS:GO Keys @30.500
:csgox: Suntik Wallet
:csgox: Pre-Order
:csgox: SWC
:csgox: Suntik Wallet

Jasa Middleman
1. Seller offer barang ke saya
2. Buyer transfer ke seller
3. Seller confirm ke saya apakah uang buyer sudah masuk atau belom
4. Saya akan mengoffer barang yang sudah dijanjikan

ℙ𝕣𝕠𝕗𝕚l𝕖 𝕀𝕟𝕗𝕠
:SystemConfirmation:| steamname: YDZ l RDY STOCK
:SystemConfirmation:| steam3ID: [U:1:384673714]
:SystemConfirmation:| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:192336857
:SystemConfirmation:| steamID64: http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/profiles/76561198344939442
:SystemConfirmation:| customURL: http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/id/ydZstore6969
:SystemConfirmation:| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198344939442
:SystemConfirmation:l SteamReputasi: http://steamreputasi.com/profile/76561198344939442
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Transações no Mercado
TATA CARA SUNTIK WALLET (*Indonesian only)

-->misal anda beli 100.000 wallet, anda juga cukup bayar 100.000 aja enak kan ? jadi anda ga usa nunggu 7 hari buat dapet barang yang anda ingin dari market

SYARAT (WAJIB DI BACA) : Steam market harus ON (kalo ga on sistem ini ga bisa berlaku) dan steam mobile atau steam hp sudah harus aktif slama 7 hari (aktif disini maksudnya kalo mau login steam di mintai code dari hp klo ga di mintai kode brati blom aktif)
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Kw4s 28 out. 2024 às 14:16 
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Swordshaper 25 ago. 2024 às 13:36 
Ready for the ultimate gaming duel?
76561199259840903 9 mar. 2024 às 2:08 
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76561198158974975 25 nov. 2018 às 9:45 
Fatherless Behaviour 6 ago. 2017 às 9:19 
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Ayangbebeb 5 mai. 2017 às 18:07 
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