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Visa global prestationsstatistik
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5 av 19 (26%) prestationer uppnådda:
Personliga prestationer

Vision 1 unlocked

buy the vision 1 upgrade
Upplåst 7 feb @ 12:45

Break 1000 blocks

Break 1000 blocks in the milestone
Upplåst 7 feb @ 12:45

New beginning

Prestige for the first time
Upplåst 7 feb @ 13:02

Money, money, money!!!

get 1 million coins
Upplåst 7 feb @ 12:56

Good at following directions

complete the tutorial
Upplåst 7 feb @ 1:38

Vision 2 unlocked

buy the vision 2 upgrade

Vision 3 unlocked

buy the vision 3 upgrade

Vision 4 unlocked

buy the vision 4 upgrade

Vision 5 unlocked

buy the vision 5 upgrade

Break 100K blocks

Break 100K blocks in the milestone

Break 1M blocks

Break 1M blocks in the milestone

Break 10M blocks

Break 10M blocks in the milestone

10 cores

prestige 10 times

50 cores

prestige 50 times

1 billion dollars

get 1 billion coins

Great investment

get 1 trillion coins

This will impact the economy

get 1 quadrillion coins

The end

beat the game

500 cores

prestige 500 times