United States
Loyalty Until Death, Strength In Unity

CPU: Ryzen 5800x @ 4.8Ghz
GPU: EVGA Xc3 Ultra RTX 3080 ti
Ram: 32gb Corsair vengeance PRO @ 3600mhz
Cooler: Corsair hydro series H150i Elite Capellix RGB
PSU: EVGA 1000w GT

SCP-8888: The Elevator Operator
Object Class: Euclid

Containment Procedures:
SCP-8888 is to be contained in a standard elevator at site [REDACTED]; this elevator is referred to as SCP-8888-2. This elevator may only be used by foundation personnel with a clearance level of at least 4 unless otherwise specified. A person is to ride SCP-8888-2 at least once every 15 (fifteen) days to avoid a containment breach. If nobody rides SCP-8888-2 in a fifteen day period SCP-8888-2 will seize to function and SCP-8888-1 will attempt to find a new elevator to use as SCP-8888-2.

SCP-8888 is an anomaly caused by the entity referred to as SCP-8888-1 when it comes in contact with a functioning elevator.

SCP-8888 was discovered when a second MTF (Mobile Task Force) was deployed to investigate the containment breach of ██/█/████ at site [REDACTED]. This second task force discovered SCP-8888-1 attending one of the elevators in the South wing of the facility.

SCP-8888-1 is a former Nine-Tailed Fox lieutenant known as Buck [REDACTED]. SCP-8888-1's natural behaviour is to seek out a functioning elevator and then act as that elevator's operator. SCP-8888-1 doesn't seem to be aware of its history as a Nine-Tailed Fox lieutenant. Although it is aware that it is a Foundation employee it believes its position within the Foundation has always been that of an elevator operator.

SCP-8888-1's anomalous properties manifest when it is operating an elevator and consists of two major effects:
-The first effect of SCP-8888 is a psychological effect on all of SCP-8888-2's passengers. Other SCP's will deviate from their natural behaviour when riding SCP-8888-2 and simply ride the elevator in a calm fashion. Despite the calming effect SCP-8888 appears to have on other SCP's, any other individual riding SCP-8888-2 will become increasingly distressed by SCP-8888-1. Several test subjects attempted to look away from SCP-8888-1 or hide in the corner of SCP-8888-2 but couldn't because they "couldn't control their bodies". For a list of tests on various D-class personnel and SCP's, refer to addendum 8888-a.

-The second effect of SCP-8888 occurs when anyone other then SCP-8888-1 tries to operate SCP-8888-2. When this occurs SCP-8888-1 will become incredibly agitated and will begin threatening the current passengers of SCP-8888-2 and will utter several warnings of the various violent acts it will commit if they continue. If SCP-8888-1 becomes too agitated all the passengers of the elevator will begin to experience reality altering effects.
These consist of:
- Being transported to another instance of SCP-8888-2 where they are the only passenger.
-SCP-8888-2 beginning to violently shake.
-The controls of SCP-8888-2 working on their own. This will be perceived by SCP-8888-1 as someone else attempting to operate SCP-8888-2 and will agitate it even further.

Addendum 8888-a:
Various tests were conducted to test SCP-8888's effects on other SCP's as well as on non-anomalous entities.

Test 8888-a-1:
1 (one) D-class personnel boards SCP-8888-2 and becomes immediately distressed. The D-class member tries to hide in the corner of SCP-8888-2 and tries to look away from SCP-8888-1. The D-class member states "No, I can't control my body." and turns to face SCP-8888-1. SCP-8888-1 asks of the D-class member which floor he would like to go to. The D-class member repsonds with "Top floor". The rest of the ride proceeded without incident although the D-class member seemed incredibly distressed at the end of the ride stating how it felt like part of it was still inside the elevator going in circles.

Test 8888-a-2:
SCP-173 enters the elevator with 2 (two) D-class personnel. Throughout the entire elevator ride SCP-173 stands still in the middle of the elevator despite the D-class personnel breaking line of sight multiple times. SCP-173 proceeds to get off the elevator when it reaches its destination floor.

Test 8888-a-3:
SCP-049 and SCP-096 board the elevator together with 2 (two) D-class personnel. SCP-049 appears to remain calm throughout the entire elevator ride and takes no action besides simply entering and exiting the elevator.

During the elevator ride one of the D-class personnel sees SCP-096' face, which proceeds to enter its rage state. Despite having entered its rage state SCP-096 does not attack the D-class personnel and simply stands in one spot inside the elevator violently screaming as it would normally do inside its rage state. Once the elevator reaches its destination floor SCP-096 gets off the elevator while still in its rage state. SCP-096 calms down after approximately 23 (twenty-three) minutes and is recontained.

Throughout this elevator ride both of the D-class personnel seemed to become increasingly distressed by the presence of the SCP's. As SCP-8888-1 requests a tip of either SCP-049 or SCP-096, one of the D-class members presses the button to close the elevator door which leads to SCP-8888-1 to become incredibly agitated and immediately start threatening both of the D-class members. The D-class members start discussing "how he doesn't receive a tip if you do that" as SCP-8888-2 starts to function on its own. This leads to both of the D-class members shifting in and out of reality to an empty SCP-8888-2 instance before SCP-8888-1 manifests a standard assault rifle issued to MTF-members and dispatches both of the D-class personnel.

Testing SCP-8888 with both SCP's and non-SCP's has been suspended until further notice.

Written by: Crimson
(SCP number just a place holder)

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Horizon Forbidden West™ Complete Edition
Gooman 23 ธ.ค. 2023 @ 5: 56pm 
hey bro lets go sip on lean and smoke loud in my hellcat
Cinnamon_Jellyfish 16 ก.ค. 2021 @ 3: 47pm 
The Goose 10 ม.ค. 2020 @ 10: 44pm 
Mint 15 มี.ค. 2019 @ 1: 12pm 
The Goose 10 ม.ค. 2019 @ 8: 28pm 
firippu 6 มิ.ย. 2018 @ 5: 46am 
Can someone send me the link of the playermodel or ragdoll because i cant find it
(SCP 860-2)