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Showing 1-8 of 8 entries
Starbound FPS Optimization
Collection by Xaliber
Starbound is a 2D pixel art game, but due to the way it processes things, if your CPU is not good enough the game can lag frequently. Yes, make no mistake: Starbound is more CPU-intensive than GPU-intensive, so your GTX Titan will not help the lag! Fortuna
Audiovisual Enhancement Suite
Collection by Xaliber
This collection provides non-gameplay changing mods that alter the audio and visuals of the game based on my preferences. It does not include mods that strictly only provide user interface improvements or graphical bug fixes. You may refer to User Interfac
Starbound True Survival Mode
Collection by Xaliber
Starbound feels too easy? This one is for you. This collection attempts to make Starbound feels more challenging, with more tactical play style and well-planned travels. It has mods that modify player configuration (such as player brightness and inventory)
Vanilla Recipe & Object Tweaks (Safe to Uninstall)
Collection by Xaliber
This collection attempts to collect mods enhancing the game's experience by making decorative objects usable and adding common-sense recipes. This is Vanilla Gameplay Tweaks sister collection. This doesn't include mods that make drastic changes to the game
Vanilla Gameplay Tweaks (Safe to Uninstall Anytime)
Collection by Xaliber
This collection attempts to collect mods enhancing the game's experience while still retaining a vanilla feel, by making small tweaks. This is Vanilla Recipe & Object Tweaks sister collection. It includes mods that add gameplay behavior (such as Fall Damag
Starbound Bug and Typo Fixes
Collection by Xaliber
Mods listed in this collection attempts to fix bugs and typographical errors in the game without trying to improve or enhance its function. As in, they strictly only fixes what doesn't work as intended. So mods such as Skippable Cinematics and Enhanced Cha
User Interface Basic Improvement
Collection by Xaliber
This collection strictly only provides mods that have the most basic functionalities in terms of user interface. It improves the vanilla user experience without altering too much. The aim of this mod is to improve user experience, so it doesn't include vis
Balanced Tools for Everyday Needs
Collection by Xaliber
This collection includes mods that enhance vanilla/add new tools for exploring, farming, foraging, and mining. Balance is what I have in mind when collecting the mods, so mods that included over-powered mechs or potential of reducing the risk of playing th
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