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7.3 óra a nyilvántartásban
I give Destroy All Humans!: 7.0/10

Time to complete: 7.3 Hours

NOTE: I WOULDN’T buy this game at full retail price due to lack of content and how short the game is.

One of my favourite games growing up, Destroy All Humans! was one of them games where I felt like I could just go around doing whatever I wanted. I originally had this game on the PlayStation 2 and nostalgia did hit me very hard in the opening stages of the game. Countlessly, I had played the first mission and remembered every one bit of it. The surreal experience of once again feeling like a kid again when I first started the game.

I like this trend amongst developers nowadays to remake great classics and this being one of those. I do wish Destroy All Humans! 2 was also bundled in this game as a whole (Much like the Halo MCC) due to the immense price tag but hey, I bought this game out of sheer nostalgia.

The main aspect of this remaster is the complete overhaul of the graphics. Seriously, the developers did an insane job. I’ve played this game for the past few days and have seen nothing but glorious eye candy. From the visuals on the characters, to the world visuals such as the grass and updated NPC models that look so much better than the original. The effects on the gun make the combat feel ever so epic and whilst sticking to the original concept.

The gameplay of the game hasn’t changed at all. Everything that you once did back then as a kid is still there. Want to go around blowing people brains up? You can still do that. Want to kill someone with a cow? You can still do that. These small and gimmicky yet fun quirky gameplay still exist to this day despite the game being over a decade old and I don’t feel the need to ever discredit how fun it is.

Key Points
  • Graphics
  • Franchise
  • Gameplay

Alright let’s talk about what the bad stuff about this game. Firstly, the controls are very clunky, and disorganised despite being a remaster of a 2020 version. The aiming is seriously bad, especially in the flying saucer. It’s so clunky to a point where you feel as though you’re fighting yourself instead of the actual boss. For gaming standards over a decade ago, that may have been acceptable but in this day and age, that shouldn’t be an excuse. In my opinion it’s just being lazy and forcing the game to release as soon as possible.

The audio could have been improved. I know that sometimes you can’t get the original voice actors but you can surely hire new ones if you have the budget or if you especially price the game as its listed for? Regardless of the voice actors, sometimes the audio feels ‘muffled’ in the UFO which makes it pretty annoying for someone such as me. It just doesn’t sound HD as it should.

Short missions with very little to do. You play a mission which typically lasts around 10 minutes or so, paired up with an ‘optional task’ which isn’t very rewarding. If you combine this together you get a very short game. The missions in my opinion should feel longer and rewarding instead of the usual ‘protect this’ or do this and that. It is an original remake but surely at the price its tagged at it should have a lot more content to offer. There are only a total of FOUR weapons in the game.

Key Points
  • Price
  • Control
  • Audio
  • Lack of content

Overall, this game is great for a nostalgic sense. It was the reason why I bought this game in the first place and how excited I was when I heard this game was releasing on Steam. I got to relive my childhood all over again and I must thank the developers for that.

I REALLY do wish this game was bundled with Destroy all Humans! 2 as games of its similar price tag such as HALO MCC offer much more games with a remaster. This game is priced at £24.55 (GBP) and for that price tag I don’t think it does enough to justify WHY you should buy it.

If this is your first time playing Destroy all Humans! I would wait a bit until the game goes on sale. At least 50% off because there just isn’t enough content to justify why you should get it.

If you are a returning fan, be ready for the intense gameplay all over again with amazing visuals. Just be warned that the same persistent issues that existed over a decade ago are relevant in this game. I know that some other people have experienced crashed but personally I never have crashed once.

Közzétéve: 2020. július 30. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2020. július 30.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
277 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
11 személy találta viccesnek ezt az értékelést
49.9 óra a nyilvántartásban (46.1 óra az értékeléskor)
I give Assassin's Creed® Odyssey: 8.6/10

Time to complete: 46 Hours

Minor Spoilers: I wasn't going to buy Assassin's Creed® Odyssey when it was first announced. It felt like a copy and waste of origins and didn't feel like an Assassin's Creed video game at all, however the Greek mythology persuaded me otherwise and after playing the game for a while, I know I made the right choice.

Personally, one of my favourite gaming franchises with an awesome game. Sure, it may not feel like Assassin's Creed, but for damn sure there is a lot of stuff to do in the game.


We venture into Ancient Greece, land of the gods. Odyssey strictly follows the Greek mythology to it's lore and says true to it which makes the game all more historically accurate. In a stunning and immersive word of Ancient Greece, we have several Greek cities with their own unique diversity. Odyssey felt like one of those games where it just simply blows your mind about how huge the maps are and how insanely detailed they are. The map size is very big, so big that you have to use a boat to travel across each part of the Greek islands.

We see many several historical figures shown in the game, such as the great King Leonidas of Sparta as well many other Greek mythological creatures, that you may also have to battle. And it's not just combat figures, there are also great people such as Pericles of Athens. These characters are developed to show how they were according to history which just improves the immersion. The character development for the main protagonists (Alexios or Kassandra) are done in the right way too. Every character that is relevant has their own personality and isn't bland.

Odyssey is a sandbox of RPG elements, and so done in the right way. Choices influence the story and can lead to different outcomes depending on what you pick. Levelling is done through quests and clearing out various landmarks on the map. You collect, improve and dismantle various gear to make your character a lot stronger. The diversity in gear and appearance is huge in this game. Each gear matches the play style of your choice. Abilities are unique and have their own strengths and weaknesses. You can kill leaders in real time which can start a war and change the occupying region. Stuff like this keeps the game very interesting.

The story itself felt didn't feel like an Assassins Creed story however, it doesn't mean I didn't like it. Odyssey is a very well made game with a unique story of its own. You venture into the life of the protagonist as they try to move on from the past whilst trying to destroy a certain organisation. My biggest factor for which I loved is that the side quests feel like a story of their own which can be really hard to do in a sandbox game. Odyssey doesn't fail to deliver that though.

The music within the game is very Greek folklore. There is also homage to Assassin Creed 2' theme song with it's own Odyssey twist which I thought was a great throwback.
Key Points
  • Graphics
  • Immersion
  • Leveling
  • Story
  • Side Quests
  • Map
  • History and Mythology
  • Soundtrack

Very few cons about this game which shows why it's a masterpiece of it's own. One issue I had with this game are the cut scenes. I get that the Devs are trying to make the game impact because of the choices that you make but sometimes some cut scenes feel so weird and some dialogue doesn't make sense for example, one second Alexios could be angry then the next hes smiling. I just wish there was also more Assassins creed references too because it is an Assassins Creed game after all.

Performance is always a huge factor in Assassin's Creed games. There could be some bugs that need to be fixed as well as some random NPC traits. I really hate it when you accidentally hit a Citizen, then a whole mob tries to take you down and you get a huge penalty for murdering civilians.

Combat sometimes felt clunky and no where near realistic. I wish the combat was realistic because the history around the game sticks true to its lore. It's hard to predict dodges and parry effects which throws you off guard and also lead to death depending on the difficulty that you are on.
Key Points
  • Cut scenes
  • Franchise
  • Performance
  • Combat
I hope you enjoyed my quick review of Assassin's Creed® Odyssey. I highly recommend getting this game as Ubisoft did a great job improving the series with new elements and showing the great world of the Ancient Greeks. It doesn't always feel like an Assassin's Creed game but nonetheless, it has a great story of its own.

youth is a state of mind

Közzétéve: 2018. október 25. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2018. október 27.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
46 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
7 személy találta viccesnek ezt az értékelést
12.7 óra a nyilvántartásban (10.3 óra az értékeléskor)
My three most recent wallpapers:




Wallpaper Engine is a great software. It breaks the boundaries of creativity within your own desktop allowing you to customise it to your own desire. As a strong user and animator for Wallpaper Engine, I didn't think such an idea was possible till this came out. This enables animators a like to share their skills and creativity within the huge community of Wallpaper Engine. Wallpaper Engine isn't just a software, but it's a platform for imagination. On top of that the small price tag makes it much more affordable for everyone. If you haven't grabbed this software, I don't know what you are waiting for.
Közzétéve: 2018. március 8. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2020. július 16.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
133 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
10 személy találta viccesnek ezt az értékelést
29.4 óra a nyilvántartásban (23.3 óra az értékeléskor)

I give Assassin's Creed® Origins: 8.8/10

Minor Spoilers: One of the oldest yet best story driven game franchises within the gaming industry. A great franchise with a huge influence over other games and with an original story driven setting; Assassins creed. After the launch and huge success of ACII the game has had a lot of successful title releases however, in recent years Assassin's Creed failed to show gamers that their franchise is still the best story driven series within the respected genre. That is until Assassin's Creed Origins drops and it is insanely good. It almost brings the vibes from what you felt in ACII.

Personally, one of my favourite gaming franchises a long with other several Rockstar and Bethesda games. I can't play single player games since they bore me however, with Assassin's Creed I can always make time for. Assassin's Creed Origins deserves a top 3 in my favourite AC games.


  • Graphics: Graphics in this game is mind blowing. Personally, I think Origins has the best graphics as of now. Everything is beautifully detailed. From the stormy sandstorms, to the calm swaps of the Nile. Everything looks so calm and soothing that I take my time to stop and take a screenshot here and there and upload it to the Ubisoft Club.

  • Immersion: Origins is very immersive. To level up, you don't follow a main quest after main quest but you are forced to level by doing side quests or other various activities. This game is insanely immersive and my reason for this is NPCs have their own minds. They eat, sleep, guard, talk etc. You can wait until night to assassinate people which is easier since there are fewer guards awake and more sleeping. Animals sleep too! The landscape shape shifts around such as spreading oil and dead body's using water tides or the weapons sinking in the sand. This game has so many features of immersion that I simply couldn't list all.

  • Story: We follow Bayek of Siwa as he ventures through Egypt to find the killer of his son. The story slowly shows us how the creed of Assassins is formed. I try my best not to give to many spoilers but besides that, there are several intriguing side quests with their own interesting story. We learn a lot about the Egyptian gods through the story and side quests and how each god influences the people.

  • Soundtrack: The soundtrack is simply beautiful. It brings that unique ACII soundtrack with a version of its own using Egyptian soundtrack. I don't think their was any soundtrack in Origins that made me think "What is this?" but instead it make me think "This is really good".

  • Gameplay: This game provides tons and tons of hours of gameplay. Don't be thrown of by the 25 average completion hour rate. People that completed it within 25 hours probably had the game on the easy difficulty (yes there are difficulties now). This game provides an insane amount with many activities to participate in such as gladiator fights, tomb raiding etc. There is always something to do in Origins, even if it's something simple such as upgrading your gear.

  • Historical Figures: This game is set around the end of the Egyptian kingdom so it features the historical figures such as Cleopatra and Julius Ceaser. This isn't one of those one scene cameo appearances but full on dialogues with each historical figures. I find this very interesting since people who love history would love this kind of stuff.

  • Diverse Gear: The gear that you have can be customised to your liking. You can have your own style of play depending on the gear you have and the abilities that you have picked. I find this as a strong point because everyone would want to play their own way and are not forced to play the game wants them to play.

  • Enemy Scaling and Combat: I know some people may not like the whole NPC enemy levels but trust me, this is a huge leap for the AC franchise. Enemy leveling provides a huge challenge if you are underleveled. As fun as the old combat system was where you'd counter attack and do that without getting hit for once, that doesn't happen in Origins. You have to think what your next moves are going to be and how you approach things which requires more tactics.


  • Performance: It wouldn't be Assassin's Creed without a few bugs on release. Do expected bugs within Origins but they aren't hugely game changing. Sometimes you don't notice them but I wouldn't blame someone if it killed their immersion because of it. Regardless of that, this game runs very smoothly at high graphics.

  • Parkour: A minor change I would ask is for the parkour to be improved. I've had more deaths due to Bayek jumping off where I wasn't facing or losing a lot of health because of it. I do find this frustrating but I dealt with it since it didn't happen always.

  • Cut scenes: Yet again, this isn't a huge con but some cut scenes felt really bland and boring to me. Like the CG for the face wasn't done right or something, especially the cut scenes in slow motion. But like I said, it's not all cut scenes that had this problem, only the very few.

I hope you enjoyed my quick review of Assassin's Creed® Origins. I highly recommend getting this game as Ubisoft did a great job reviving the series after a few recent flops. This game is very addicted and immersive. It gives an insane insight to how the creed was formed and how Egyptian life was as well a bit of the Roman and greek life within Egypt. It teaches you more than what you history teacher could ever teach you. You will come out with more knowledge as well as hours of gameplay. I can't wait for the next game for the series.

Nothing is true Everything is permitted.

Közzétéve: 2017. december 18.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
732 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
78 személy találta viccesnek ezt az értékelést
213.9 óra a nyilvántartásban (112.9 óra az értékeléskor)
Korai hozzáférési értékelés


Ah, one of the hottest games of 2017. Nominated, number 1 on twitch, record-breaking for most concurrent players. How is this possible? Does this game really represent of how we perceive gaming now? The gaming industry is truly in shambles. When triple A companies turn their games into cash grabs so the public turns towards broken, stupid and unprofessional indie games such as this.

We, the PC gamers, are fueling PUBG devs not for fixes towards lag, hit registration, de-sync, hackers etc but instead towards a stupid eSports scene and a console launch. The devs are trying to squeeze as much money as they can whilst this game is relevant and I hope that day can come sooner. This game is so clunkly and broken.

  • Concept: Concept wise, this game has a unique concept. Ofcourse it's not new, it's been around since the Arma BR days. However, this is a standalone game for that niche genre. So therefore, the concept of being a lone survivor (or paired up) against other survivors is truly unique to others. To me, I don't really feel satisfied when I win I mean, it's just extra BP which doesn't interest me whats so ever.

  • Performance: The biggest issue in this game is the performance. The performance of this game is absolutely horrendous. It's atrociously bad. I understand its early access but why are people band-wagoning over this game if the game is so poorly unoptimised? Even great rigs can't run this game properly and there are so many guides to try to calm this down because the devs can't be bothered fixing it straight away.

  • Gameplay: Gameplay in this game is boring. There are far too many campers. You spend 95% of your time running around and looting and 5% actually fighting. It's very boring especially when the game is poor optimised. Getting good loot is 100% RNG.

  • Network Issues: This game is NOT skill based but more rather RNG luck based. The hit registration is really bad. Most of your shots never hit because the game is too slow to notice it. De-sync is a huge issue as it can cause you to die straight away after a little peak. Servers are terribly laggy at the beginning. Why make a game this big if you can't handle it?

  • Hackers: What happens when the devs are too busy focusing on making a lot of money? That's right, you get hackers. This game is infested with hackers. INFESTED. You'd think a game at a price mark of around £26.99 you'd expect less hackers? Nope. Old hackers still remain because the games poor cheat detection can't pick them up.

  • Graphics: Why is there even an option to tweak graphics? It literally doesn't matter. The game looks like something that came out in 2012. Only very unpolished.

I hope you enjoyed my quick review of PLAYERUNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS. I highly advice against this game to anyone who wants to dedicate a lot of time to it. If you don't care about what I listed above, feel free to buy it because the only reason I play it, is because of my friends. Everyone is just bandwagoning this game. Twitch Streamers are forced to play this game because that's what the viewers want but what I don't get is why?

It's literally 95% running around and looting, 3% staring at bushes that look like people and 2% actually shooting.

Közzétéve: 2017. december 4. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2017. december 4.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
301 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
616 személy találta viccesnek ezt az értékelést
2,431.7 óra a nyilvántartásban (921.1 óra az értékeléskor)
CS:GO értékelés
Interactive Language School
Közzétéve: 2017. november 28.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
252 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
7 személy találta viccesnek ezt az értékelést
4.9 óra a nyilvántartásban

I give COD:WWII: 2.8/10

Open Beta Review - Thought I'd give the Call of Duty franchise another try since my departure after the release of Ghosts. The nostalgic vibes got to me of my old days in highschool playing COD and pre-ordering DLCS and skins. After all that futuristic nonesense, I thought I'd give the good ol' boots-on-ground another chance, boy was I wrong.

  • Graphics: Graphically, the game looks impressive. Ofcourse COD will have to up their game in terms of the visual appeal and WWII does not fail to do that. (Honestly I don't even want to write this as a Pro since there arn't really any.)

  • Performance: The game feels likes it's made for console and not PC. Sudden crashes, as well as frame drops and consistent bugs, the developers clearly weren't ready for the open beta and just wanted to squeeze pre-order money out of you.

  • Gameplay and Balance: Gameplay and balance is probably the worst thing about this game. Nearly everyone is using the same rifle and SMGs continue to dominate the game. You still get the odd FaZe clan-wannabe quickscopers but regardless to that; The LMGs feel to sluggish and slow, Shotguns take upto 3 shells to kill someone close. Spawn trapping is an issue on some maps and the knockback when you get hit is really annoying. Seriously, reduce the knockback.

  • Map: Map designs are really poor. Theres way too man hiding spots and enterances/exists. The maps feel almost like a maze and arn't very visually appealing either. To me, it just doesn't give the classic feel of what older CODS such as MW2 had where almost every map was loveable.

  • Variety: The gun variety is poor. As I stated, almost everyone uses the same guns which really doesn't give a diverse feel to the game. There arn't many cosmetics or attachment varietys that may benefit from using another. And each individual guns don't feel respected in their categories.

I hope you enjoyed my quick review of COD:WWII. I highly advise against this game as it is just another scheme to squeeze money out of your pockets by making another copy-pasta generic cod from last year. None of that stuff we asked for has changed apart from the boots-on-ground gameplay. None of the recent CODs have given the nostalgic and epic feeling we once had. It's safe to say, that unless the devs get their old team back; this franchise may just be dead to me.

Közzétéve: 2017. október 1. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2017. október 1.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
212 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
5 személy találta viccesnek ezt az értékelést
213.7 óra a nyilvántartásban (14.8 óra az értékeléskor)

I give Black Desert Online: 8.5/10

Total time before Steam release: 70+ (Estimate)

Note: I've played this game before steam release with 6 characters on soft cap and 1 over soft cap

SPOILER FREE! In a world of fantasy where travellers set out on their own journey of adventure. Where they travel from one settlement to another in search of a better life. They meet other fellow trailers along the way and cherish the memories that they have along with them. Welcome to Black Desert Online.

  • Combat: The combat and classes in this game is very promising and special. It's action combat at its finest. This game makes you feel really bad ass with the amount of diverse classes that it has although some of them are gender locked. The combat revolves around you levelling up and as you level up, you get to unlock more powerful skills within you respective role.

  • Graphics: Most MMORPG games have very bad graphics, not in black desert online though. Black desert online has some of the best graphics I've seen for a game. This games level design and in-depth modelling models in beyond what other MMORPG's can do. The lightning is what makes the game truely amazing and beautiful.

  • Character customisation: Most MMORPG's have like a template where you have to follow, and this leads to a lot of characters looking the same which is a real big turn off for me. That's not the case in Black Desert Online, This game has an insanely in-depth customisation that makes every character look unique in their own way. This customisation on its own is aesthetically pleasing.

  • Performance: One of the biggest issues this game has is it's performance, mainly the texture pop-ins. At times I feel there is no point in having a tier 5+ horse since their movement speed is too fast for the game to handle and thus causes freezing which is really annoying at times. However, it's mainly the text pop-in that made me put it on the cons list but other than that, it runs fine on any kind of hardware.

  • Clothing: Another con about this game is the clothing that it provides can be near the same as you got when you was a level 1 (not including cash shop items). I feel like a more diverse range of clothing would make the game even better and make it stand out further more.

  • Grind: Now the grind isn't too great but its big enough to set it as a con. After hitting level 55, it becomes significantly harder to level up the character as there are little grind spots that are over-crowded by fellow adventurers doing the same thing. If they add in more grind spots or make the game more fun whilst grinding, it can make the game feel a lot better.

I hope you enjoyed my quick review of Black Desert Online. I highly recommend this game to fellow MMORPG fans around the world as I would love to see a bigger community for this game. The bigger the community, the more content that can be pushed out by the developers. This game has every MMORPG element that is required to make the game feel immersive and enjoyable.

Character Customisation
Közzétéve: 2017. május 24. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2017. május 24.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
143 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
6 személy találta viccesnek ezt az értékelést
40.6 óra a nyilvántartásban (12.5 óra az értékeléskor)
I give For Honor: 6.6/10

Difficulty: Normal

Time to complete: 5.6 Hours

SPOILER FREE! What do you get when you get given a half-assed game that isn't even focused on the story but rather on the multiplayer. Even though the multiplayer sucks because of how it handles its matchmaking. Thats right, you get For Honor. For Honor could have been an insanely good game if Ubisoft didn't decide to make an half-assed game just to grab some extra money out of peoples pockets. The game is TOTALLY not worth full retail price, as there is lack of content and a linear yet boring story mode.

The Orochi eredeti hozzászólása:
"We Samurai are outnumbered. Each of our warriors must be the match of ten of our enemies. Each Orochi is a match for a hundred. Swift. Strong. The truest masters of the katana. They move like shadows, with lore taken from the ninja clans. Their armor: a perfect balance of flexibility and strenght. Orochi. They are the finest warriors the world has ever known."

  • Combat: The combat in this game is very unique and not like other hack and slash, historical based games. Its unique and gives the user much more control over their weapon and trains them about timing and how they should use each individual class. I find this extremely appealing as every person out there would have their own choice of character going into the way they play.
  • Graphics: The games graphics look suprisingly good, but its what you expect from a AAA title. Nonetheless, I like how the game performs with the graphics. Each level or scenario is well thought out and the game doesn't look bland.
  • Faction Themes: Each map in For Honor is unique. Each map is themed to specific factions which makes the game standout as it makes you immersed into the game. Each soundtrack is there for each factions etc. The devs did a good research into the background of each factions within the game which is a plus for me since its important that you get history right and not over-hype certain things.

  • Matchmaking: Yes, the biggest problem in this game is the matchmaking. It uses what you call a "P2P" (Peer-to-peer) which is extremely annoying because at times, there are moments when you are in the middle of a heated battle and someone decides to leave which them pauses the entire game or also, ends it. There should be dedicated servers for a AAA title and not something such as p2p.
  • Campaign: Don't get me wrong, the story is good and I like how its been written out but the campaign is trash as it's very short and linear. There isn't really a big sense of achievement, it's just one of those run around and slash some people and do the same the next part. It starts to get repeatitive but I guess the story kept it going for me.
  • Balancing: In multiplayer, there are always characters that are constantly chosen. Why? Because ubisoft doesn't want to nerf them and people like to abuse them since it's an easy kill for them. Balancing in this game needs to be sorted out as someone with a dagger can do more damage with a light attack than someone with a sword or a katana.

I hope you enjoyed my quick review of For Honor. You should totally buy this game when it's on sale as it is a fun game but not worth the price that it is currently at. I pre-ordered mine to get the DLC but I should have waited. Nonetheless, the game makes you feel like you are there in the heat of the battle many many years ago.

Közzétéve: 2017. április 16.
Hasznos volt ez az értékelés? Igen Nem Vicces Díjazás
57 személy találta hasznosnak ezt az értékelést
1 személy találta viccesnek ezt az értékelést
5.4 óra a nyilvántartásban
I give Ryse: Son of Rome: 7.6/10

Difficulty: Normal

Time to complete: 5.2 Hours

SPOILER FREE! Historical games have always played a huge role in gaming industry. The give us somewhat of an idea about how battles were fought back in the good ol' days where every country was at war with another. The set out scenarios for us in which the creators of the game don't have to come up with themselves. Ryse: Son of Rome follows a champion of Rome who sets out to you know, fight for his empire, his honour and his family. Pretty normal for a historal plot but this game goes in much more detail.

Summer eredeti hozzászólása:
Don't waste time pulling off the petals. Cut off the head.

  • Combat: The combat was the strongest thing about this game. The game had very smooth and fluid combat, with the excutions looking like something out of a 300 movie. The combat wasn't too hard to master, even on the normal diffculty the combat felt somehwat easy and repetitive.
  • Graphics: Oh dear Rome, the graphics for this game were glorious! I salute the devs for making a game with out standing graphics. It felt though as if I was truly immersved with each setting the game had layed out for me.
  • Soundtrack: The soundtrack was historcally good!

  • Story: The story wasn't anything special. It followed them main protagonist that must defeat his foes to achieve his ultimate goal which was always seen at the start to save Rome.
  • Character Development: The character development was really bad. The only character that was truely developed was Marius, everyone else was just like here for a bit and gone the next second. One moment you're fighting for this person and the next we fight another without even knowing who the hell they are and what they've done. Just something along the lines such as "I must kill him/her"
  • Performance: Performance for me, is hard to tell. At the beginning it ran perfectly smooth then all of a sudden, it starts dropping frames and later on it would drop frames in the cinematics like what? I had to change several things just to know what the problem was and to prevent it.

I hope you enjoyed my quick review of Ryse: Son of Rome. You should totally play this game after you seen a movie that's based on greeks/romans because it truely makes you feel like you're there fighting for them!

Közzétéve: 2017. április 10. Legutóbb szerkesztve: 2017. április 16.
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