Iscream.Star✨ okt. 1., 10:01 
⢕⢕⢕⢕⠁⢜⠕⢁⣴⣿⡇⢓⢕⢵⢐⢕⢕⠕⢁⣾⢿⣧⠑⢕⢕⠄⢑⢕⠅⢕ ⢕⢕⠵⢁⠔⢁⣤⣤⣶⣶⣶⡐⣕⢽⠐⢕⠕⣡⣾⣶⣶⣶⣤⡁⢓⢕⠄⢑⢅⢑ ⠍⣧⠄⣶⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣔⢕⢄⢡⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣦⡑⢕⢤⠱⢐ ⢠⢕⠅⣾⣿⠋⢿⣿⣿⣿⠉⣿⣿⣷⣦⣶⣽⣿⣿⠈⣿⣿⣿⣿⠏⢹⣷⣷⡅⢐ ⣔⢕⢥⢻⣿⡀⠈⠛⠛⠁⢠⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⡀⠈⠛⠛⠁⠄⣼⣿⣿⡇⢔ ⢕⢕⢽⢸⢟⢟⢖⢖⢤⣶⡟⢻⣿⡿⠻⣿⣿⡟⢀⣿⣦⢤⢤⢔⢞⢿⢿⣿⠁⢕ ⢕⢕⠅⣐⢕⢕⢕⢕⢕⣿⣿⡄⠛⢀⣦⠈⠛⢁⣼⣿⢗⢕⢕⢕⢕⢕⢕⡏⣘⢕ ⢕⢕⠅⢓⣕⣕⣕⣕⣵⣿⣿⣿⣾⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣷⣕⢕⢕⢕⢕⡵⢀⢕⢕ ⢑⢕⠃⡈⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢃⢕⢕⢕ ⣆⢕⠄⢱⣄⠛⢿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⠿⢁⢕⢕⠕⢁
May you all the best in September ~ :aidolheart:
I play fat like a pro aug. 18., 13:47 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
remember how celebrities on TV always tell kids "Stay in school?"

that's what My buddy and I did.

Look at me, 54 years old, working as a junior high janitor,

my buddy,
he just never successfully graduated from the same junior high for the last 40 years
I play fat like a pro aug. 17., 5:46 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Did you know why there is already Final Fantasy XVI but only Devil May Cry 5?

Camcon cheap basterrrrrds!!!!!!!!

They won't give enough hair product budgets for Vergil!
If you look back, you'd realize 4.5 out of 6 DMC games were caused by Vergil!

And look at Final Fantasy, look at their characters! Each one from each game has more hair glue than Vergil had in a decade!
I play fat like a pro aug. 15., 1:06 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
MAN I HATE YOUTUBE NOW BANING all kinds of ad skipper, ad speed-up-er, even aotu skip!

all for it's over priced youtube premium, 14 USD a month, seriously?

and have you noticed ads are getting more frequent and longer and unskipable

it's true, click the block button on the ad only takes 5 seconds while waiting for the unskipable ads combo to finish would take
15x2= 30 seconds!
I play fat like a pro aug. 14., 7:44 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Why you should watch Borat(2006)
1) It is a very serious documentary about the American Dream
2) It is very funny
3)It is very age friendly, you should totally watch with kids, kids need fun so they don't grow up creepy.
4)No NSFW plots, No racism or any other offensive forms.
5)It is the greastes film on earth and will be for another 50000000 years.
6)It has tons of gay NSFW stuff, you'll like it
I play fat like a pro aug. 13., 9:35 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
... And on the third day, God created the Remington bolt-action rifle, so that Man could fight the dinosaurs. And the homosexuals.
I play fat like a pro aug. 12., 8:18 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
9th generation gaming sucks, it's mostly industrial garbage and can run on last gen's consoles, and they ain't that productive like they used to.

today owning a PS2 or PS3/Xbox360 makes it all nostalgia and priceless in memorise, it was all about fun.
I play fat like a pro aug. 7., 23:24 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Petah Pakah and Miles Morales are two unique Spidermen
Do you know the difference between them?
Well, Miles is a N and has bio electricity and invisible ability.

Petah just shoots bad guys with his much thicker semen and leaves it everywhere in New York.
今天是艾希酱的生日哦~ 艾希酒馆群久违的庆生抽奖已经落下帷幕啦XD
I play fat like a pro aug. 1., 7:26 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
If your PC set doennot have those, it's out of date!

Jumbotron Screen
Edible Power Supply
Eco-Friendly Case
At least 5 of GTX 750 GPUs
Bulletproof Case Shell
AI Assistant Hentai Figures & Stickers
1TB exFAT Flashdrive (It's called flashdrive? Speed of light!)
Real Life Mouse
Razer MIDI Keyboard
If not, you are nothing
⠀⠀⠀⠀:biblis::Speech_Love:⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀ :Speech_Love::biblis:
May you all the best in August ~ :aidolheart:
I play fat like a pro júl. 31., 6:03 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
PS5 is good, the cheapest 4K gaming you can have.

PS5 store isn't.

I'm kinda disappointed , PS5 is almost 4 years old.
and still more PS4 games than PS5 games.(and most of them are just next-gen updated PS4 games)
and tons of them are Sweet Baby Inc Detected!

no wonder community says it's more of a UHD remastered PS4
I play fat like a pro júl. 27., 11:38 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Get rich quick:
Step 1:
Get a bunch of simps for yourself
Step 2:
Get diabetes
Step 3:
Diabetic urine is sweet like honey, my friend.
You are gonna make some dentists real rich!
Step 4:
take 80% of the money from the dentists and give them each a cup of your urine for each transaction.
I play fat like a pro júl. 26., 11:10 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
In most online games
"Your mom" is banned for account names.

"Thy mum" isn't

are they stewid?
I play fat like a pro júl. 23., 12:57 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Buy me RTX 4090.
I need it to generate high quality Elsa&Anna lesbian pictures.

U can hav all of my work
I play fat like a pro júl. 22., 5:42 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
I came back from a not-distant future to deliver this message

The guy who shall post a comment after me actually has stage 4 prostate cancer

I play fat like a pro júl. 20., 2:20 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
This dude has a crush on you! 👇↓👇↓👇↓👇↓👇↓
I play fat like a pro júl. 19., 0:43 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Even Homer Simpson from the game The Simpsons: Hit and Run can do double jump.

Yet Vergil is still seeking more power
is he stewpid>?

Foolishness Vergil, foolishness
I play fat like a pro júl. 17., 6:13 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Go ask anyone who's dated their teacher

None of them has any regrets.

Especially for those who received homeschool education
I play fat like a pro júl. 15., 12:42 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Vegetarians do not eat any meat

Vegan is more radical than vegetarian.
They eat Vegetables+ Bacon

Vegetable+Bacon = Vegan
I play fat like a pro júl. 13., 11:37 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
You might have heard from me that one leading reason short people die faster is because they inhale more fart than us.

well, here's another one

they'are too short
which makes them able to give themselves bl0w j0bs
hence they do it 24/7 and die
I play fat like a pro júl. 12., 2:44 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Failing is not bad, not trying is!

what im saying is do not be afraid of failing

say next time a stranger comes to you and asks the way.
Point him any direction you like, even though you don't know the way
I play fat like a pro júl. 10., 3:11 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
How to show your love to someone in Chinese

Basic: 我喜欢你
Advanced: 问世间情为何物,直叫人生死相许

Legendary: 我好想拿一把新鲜香菜,切掉香菜叶子拿香菜根,一根一根的塞进你的 屁眼 里,有多难受我就有多爱你
I play fat like a pro júl. 9., 14:38 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
As we know 60% of a human body is made of water

which means if you like water
you like 60% of every other man on earth.

Being gay is cool now, don't be shy.

but my love for my friend's mom is definitely 100%
Azoluy júl. 9., 5:20 
Azorluy从今天开始就发假了,过完这个假期就要成为痛苦的打工人了 ˃ ˄ ˂ 在这一个月里我要打好多好多游戏( ˝ᗢ˝ )
推荐一首歌Yes的Siberian Khatru,希望你喜欢 (⑅˃◡˂⑅)
I play fat like a pro júl. 7., 5:26 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Did you know if you remove meat from your diet
can help you reduce 80% of your will to live
I play fat like a pro júl. 5., 4:51 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Did you know the border between USA and Canada is just a big road in a vast forest?

While Mexicans be like : nice wall they built those years
I play fat like a pro júl. 3., 1:43 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Just because i say the n word and call you guys gay a lot
does not make me a racist or somewhat homophobic

I mean you like pizza, does it make you an Italian?

I am simply offensive to everyone
I play fat like a pro júl. 2., 1:01 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
I understand you are lonely, otherwise you wouldn't spend so much on games.

Here are some apps for you to make frineds:
Les Park
Gay Travel

none of them are made for gays
I play fat like a pro júl. 1., 1:39 
sorry for going to live longer than all of you
y'all shorter than me
which means you all gonna inhale more fart than I will ever
I'll try to remember you guys
   :orangeheart::lightheart::orangeheart:         :orangeheart::lightheart::orangeheart:
:orangeheart::siystar::SpaceStar::siystar::lightheart:   :lightheart::siystar::SpaceStar::siystar::orangeheart:
:orangeheart::siystar::atomical:             :atomical::siystar::orangeheart:
   :orangeheart::SpaceStar:          :SpaceStar::orangeheart:
      :lightheart::siystar:        :siystar::lightheart:
         :orangeheart::SpaceStar:   :SpaceStar::orangeheart:
my dear friend, enjoy the sunshine of July
I play fat like a pro jún. 30., 16:51 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Short people do die faster
cause they smell more fart than others
I play fat like a pro jún. 29., 18:39 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Why you should get a cat

Remember when you are in the toilet and the paper just run out?

if you have a cat, you can literally train the cat
to be the toiolet paper
I play fat like a pro jún. 28., 20:26 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Don't just say hi when greeting people
Diff people require diff greeting words.
offensive to everyone tutorial
General: Hi!
African American:" 's up my ni..."
Japanese:" ki sama baka!"
Chinese: " ni hao, cnm"
British: " Morning! Had your bo'oh'o'wa'er mate?"
Germany: " Hail Hit...."
Orphans: "Hello sweety! Where are your parents?"
Sigma male :" No biaches?"
Chad: you basic asf
Lesbian & Gay: Why'd choose to be gay?
Trans: you are what you were born
Gen alpha: Skibidi toilet is lame
Gen Z: skibidi is peak
Boomer: still breathing?
Norwegian: Death Metal is the best
Sweden: Black metal is better than death metal, and pirating movies should go to hell
Russian: "still drinking vodka and f@king bears all day?
Simpsons fans: season 34 is better than all s1-s9 combined!
Star Wars fans: Disney saved the franchise!
John Wick: No wife, no dogs?
Patrick starfish:TUBBY
I play fat like a pro jún. 27., 23:08 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
You guys are double standarded as well!

You be like:
"Lady parts"
"boobs, ♥♥♥♥♥, more more more"

but when it comes to a girl with a pen!s
or some dude's nude

you'd be like " ewwww wtf"

also be like " lesbian corn ! I love it!"
" gay corn,? ewww!"

man, gender equality my as!
We should fight for genital equality!
I play fat like a pro jún. 27., 1:59 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Todays people are so ♥♥♥♥♥ double standarded
fighting for ethic ethnic equality, gender equality all day

meanwhile unborn babies kicking preg women all the time.
and when I do it.
back to the jail I go
I play fat like a pro jún. 26., 13:28 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Ultimate PC upgrade guide 2024!

1. Download RTX 5090 ti onto your PC for a boost
2. buy some SSD to increase your RAM
3. Use a shoe box for your case, it's both cooler and environment friendly
4.Simply bend your monitor to get a curv screen
5.cut the wires of your mouse and keyborad, wireless is tidy
6. incase your CPU run out of date, go buy 1t sand to grind yourself a i9-28888K
I play fat like a pro jún. 25., 14:14 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Right, Mr.Krabs is dead.
who is the killer? only straight people can guess it right
a. Spongebob
b. Sandy
d. Plankton
e. Gary
f. Pearl
g. a robber

he killed himself! he's so cheap, wouldn't even pay for hookers, so he choked himself to death by autoerotic asphyxia
I play fat like a pro jún. 24., 20:03 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Reasons why you should date 28 year old girls
1), Prove you are not gay, at least bi
2), therRE ARE 20 OF THEM!
I play fat like a pro jún. 23., 21:05 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Life Hack 202
let's get real, ugly and disgusting.

DId you know if your mom and I were a couple?
She'd saved so much money on toilet paper and Tampons

(man how did my cat come up with those simp ideas)
I play fat like a pro jún. 22., 13:32 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Did you know human life expectancy is now 80 years?
and for bipolar is 68 years? why?
cause they kill themselves

and have few friends, living in poverty sure ain't doing me anything good.
and I keep getting those anhedonia after quiting 5 kinds of meds cold turkey.
please kill me so i don;t have to do it myself

and if you find my past facts offensive, racist, homophobic.
my cat wrote every single one of them\
and he keeps pissing on my bed.

you should come to my house let's beat him up good
and slash my throat
I play fat like a pro jún. 22., 0:51 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
I have lost intrests in real girls

i love shemale
I play fat like a pro jún. 20., 17:43 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
What do poeple from Uruguay call themselves?

What do they call you ?
--U r gay
I play fat like a pro jún. 18., 15:53 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
Did you know when you think you are too old to die young

that's your cue to do it asap and start again next life to die young?
I play fat like a pro jún. 17., 12:53 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
his mom is so fat

everyone she had a crush on is now dead
I play fat like a pro jún. 17., 1:58 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
If future you didn't time travel to stop you

everything you do is just right.
I play fat like a pro jún. 13., 2:20 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
What makes a hero?

Back in school days, this gay, i mean this guy alone,
saved 15 boys, 3 groundskeeper willlies, 8 class frogs from being molested.

That took a lot of Self-Control
I play fat like a pro jún. 11., 9:44 
Today's Scientific Found----------------
life is boring, might as well be dead

can i drown in your period blood?