Reed   Lacombe, Alberta, Canada
I am a 45 -year -old father, probably one of the oldest people playing this game. I am a single father raising my son, who is now 14 years old. My son won this game from his uncle, so we installed him on his computer and he started playing. Until the end of the week he had 24 hours in this game. This was horrible for me, because it was hard to find ways to spend time with my son, because he is always with friends or just watching Youtube. So I decided to do a Steam account and get this game to see if I could play beside him. I bought the game, chose my survivor and level and started playing, but I was stuck in what you should do. I asked my son for help and he organized a game for me to participate. I loved it, because it was the best time I spent with my son since my wife died. Since then, this game has approached me and my son again and now we spend time together away from home as well. This game reminded me that there is fun in everything, and I brought many happy memories to me and my son.
House Fires
Are house fires really as dangerous as they appear to be. To the untrained eye if you find your something stirred in the middle of the night by the smell of smoke the most obvious solution might be too panic. This is where the average middle aged American would be wrong. By simply stopping and reminding yourself that “Its okay is coolio in here” you could buy yourself a valuable second of time. Fires are fast so one most plan quick to avoid taking fire damage. If you have your cell phone you are already half way there. The possibilities of who you could call are infinite. However, most people only have so many contacts. The phone number you chose to call will determine everything. If you know any celebrities call them. Tell them your house is the latest victim of an unplanned gender reveal party. Your neighbor Andy was expecting but you didn’t think it would go this far. Screw it smoke keeps coming its almost like the house is on fire or something. I recommend exiting your doomed house that's on fire. Now outside you watch as your house goes up in flames. This is all Andy’s fault you whisper under your breath. Speaking of breath you actually can see your own breath. It most be cold outside. Damn December babies and their genders ruining everything. But we don’t have time to think about that we have revenge to plan.
You have known Andy for sometime now. He used to be your friend but those days are over. We have revenge to enact and wrongs to make right. Your house is also still on fire. This is probably symbolic for the burning rage in your heart. You will forever be haunted by a feeling that you left the stove on and you will never quench this feeling as you cant check your stove. The fire department cant help they are busy or something. Lets go visit your other friends they would love to help you get revenge on Andy. You visit your friends but they are burned off on the idea of enacting revenge. You argue whats the point of having your house got on fire if you cant enact revenge. Your friends are not convinced. Realizing what a complete waste of time this is you head for the door. Then they jump you tying you up and throwing you into the back of a van. At this point your situation is grim. But then you realize you have your phone still so you can call 911. After a high speed chase the police eventually catch your friends and apprehend them. They are going to jail for kidnapping you and you are eternally grateful for the police for saving you from being kidnapped. You of course cannot get revenge on your other friends as the law has given you your justice. But Andy is still on the lose. He probably thinks its a boy or girl it depends on what house fire represents. But you don’t care, Andy crossed you and you still need revenge.
The quest for revenge is a long journey that can lead you to unexpected places. Even Russia where you are going to visit your estranged father to help get revenge on Andy. Russia is cold this is perhaps symbolic of you becoming more cold as a person and cunning as your long quest for revenge begins to shape you in its image. It doesn’t help that you are visiting someone you got rid of from your life confronting an aspect of yourself that you'd rather not confront. Is that aspect your lust for justice are is it just a coincidence. You have arrived you walk in. “My father, I come to you in a desperate hour. Someone has wronged me once and I must obtain revenge.”. Your estranged father walks around the table in the middle of the room. He is plotting something and you can tell. He finally turns and begins his lecture. “Revenge eh, like the revenge I extracted upon your mother.” His words leave you in shock and this shock is cold and goes down your spine. “What did you do with my mother!” you scream at the top of your lungs ready for combat. He explains “When you were but a lee wad I took revenge against your mother. She wronged me once so it was the right thing to do. We went to America and only after getting there I realized that she had forgotten my wallet at home.” As your father goes on and on you only get madder. Is it true that the reason you grew up[ without your mother because your father took revenge against her because she forget his wallet. “What did you do to her?” You ask. “Nothing” he responded “I simply got a new job in a new location and when we moved I failed to share with her our new address.” He then pulls out a wallet from his pocket. “You see this wallet, this is the one I returned to Russia to acquire. How does it feel to have such a crucial part of your life snatched from you all over this wallet?”. You ponder this question and respond “I feel bad I get pulled in over your stupid revenge. You never even though to ask me how I felt.” Then a woman walks from the other room. It is your long lost mother. She says “I’m proud of you my son you have learned how revenge can negatively shape a person.” You are confused could it be possible that all this was to teach you a lesson.
After learning a valuable lesson you began to reflect on your quest for revenge. Nothing has been gained. Your friends have betrayed you and they received punishment. But Andy has not and how can the world be just without it. But you, are you perhaps not the person fit to correct the wrongs of society. You have changed for the worse because of your quest. You finally return home to find that your house is no longer consumed by fire. However, your house is no longer there. Kind of weird. Must be symbolic of new beginnings or something. You see Andy walking and realize you are not fit to seek revenge. You shout to him that its a boy. He looks at you confused he approaches you. “I’m confused what is a boy?” he asks. Confused you explain that you though he was expecting. He laughs at this and then says “You have it all wrong, I was only thinking of having a child but it turns out I’m too poor for that” He then walks away. You brought nothing bad into the world as while your rage burned bright and wanted to shape you in its own image. Your resisted its evil temptation unlike your father who was unable to. He passed this message down to you and you took an alternate past. Now you know house fires are not that bad.
Gablota wyróżnionych prac graficznych
Ostatnia aktywność
255 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 5 marca
7,3 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 12 lutego
68 godz. łącznie
Ostatnia gra: 10 stycznia
Anti-Citizen 1 25 lutego 2024 o 15:45 
Damn bro same +rep
Anti-Citizen 1 14 grudnia 2023 o 7:37 
Kali 12 stycznia 2020 o 10:25 
+rep unsure why.