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Recent reviews by Wispouille

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6 people found this review helpful
4.5 hrs on record (3.3 hrs at review time)
a bad copy of doom eternal
Posted 9 August, 2022.
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55.9 hrs on record
A beautiful shell with nothing in it

Pve = rubish at best (3-4 dungeon , the "trinity" (tank/heal/dps) is a joke , no raid and most of all, no difficulty)

Pvp = The open world pvp is like you would expect , 5 vs 1 most of the times but that's normal ; Pvp in battleground like the war for territories is under restriction from the big guild , if you are not one of them or over stuffed , you'll not be able to participate. I won't go to the balance of all the weapons because most mmo don't do it right because it's a hard thing to do , new world is not a exception.

Crafting = there's a lot to do but for the number of stuff you can make , only a few will actually be useful.

Bestiary = 12 mobs for the all game (i'm not joking , to much reskin)

Graphics = beautiful , very cinematic

Sound = well made , the peoples who did it knew their job

For 40 bucks frankly it's not that bad , but like all mmo you need to put the time in it to be at a reasonable lvl but with new world it's to much repetition , what you do at lvl 10 will be exactly the same as you do lvl 60 , the only thing different is that you will take more time doing it. The mob will be the same, the stuff you gather will be the same (with the exception of some legendary material), and your mastery from your weapon will be long over so the gameplay will be the same.

The game is prone to social drama with how the guild and territory system works (a lot more drama then any other game i'h played) , mass report that leads to unmerited ban , a lot of exploit that break the game (invulnerability/ making the other players crash/ duplicating gold or item)

The sad thing is after you have gather some stuff , do some open world and battelgrounds pvp and a dungeon , you can quit the game you have seen all is has to offer.
Posted 7 November, 2021. Last edited 7 November, 2021.
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24.9 hrs on record (13.6 hrs at review time)
A true masterpiece.

gameplay / Lore / graphics are all awesome

if you are here reading this review , take the game (or the friend pass) find anyone friendly to play with and enjoy the ride, you'll not regret it :).
Posted 15 April, 2021. Last edited 23 November, 2023.
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0.7 hrs on record
why not
Posted 1 July, 2019.
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12 people found this review helpful
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10.1 hrs on record (5.4 hrs at review time)
What can i say about this game ... it's Awesome.
Fun in local coop and challenging if you want to.
The graphics works well with the type of game.
It feels fine with KB/M or controller.
The gameplay is simple but works perfectly.

All androids are fun and there is a lot of change between them so you'll find easely one who works for you.

There is short range , long range , auto-aim gun , regular rifle , extern robot to attack with , some melee , sniper.

Steamworks will be add

And for the cherry on top you can change some design of the gameplay with option in game (fps mod , bots , vision effect , etc)

If you buy it you'll not be dissappointed.

Have fun
Posted 28 June, 2015. Last edited 28 June, 2015.
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18 people found this review helpful
4.2 hrs on record (3.8 hrs at review time)
This his just one of my favorite game i played in the 90's.

For 2014 of course the graphics are getting old but the gameplay , the story and the all word of outcast make him one of the best game i ever played.

This version has some graphic updates ,you can bind any key ,set a high resolution and it works fine on the latest windows ,you can also put the FFXA with the nvidia control panel, nothing huge BUT if it can help making a better remasterised version and/or a outcast 2 , I advise anyone who played it back in 1999 or anyone who don't bother about benchmark to buy it.

Thank you to all people from Fresh3D for this christmas present
Posted 20 December, 2014. Last edited 20 December, 2014.
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5 people found this review helpful
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10.7 hrs on record (10.4 hrs at review time)
My little review about LoK:
Graphics are nice but nothing new and the world is poor on details
The story looks pretty common but if you like avatar it's nice to watch the anime parts
The combat system don't bring anything new but it works fine with the bending system and the combo looks very nice (espcially with the chi charged and the elements at max lvl)
it can be pretty bad ass when you mix multiple elements or when you have more combo unlocked
I'm playing it on normal right now, the boss can be long to kill but if you manage the dodge and the guard it's not that hard (you can unlock equipment to help you out or make the game more difficult)
Some skin are available for korra (the code will be give at the comic con but you can allready find 2 on the internet)
I did'nt finished the story yet but i had to say something about this game because a lot of reviews are so bad... of course don't expect a AAA games who will blow your mind but for 15 $ it's really a fun game

and also it's rare to see a beat'm all with no real violence or blood every where , kids can play this game (so if you want to fight in a gore way this game is not for you ^^)

anyway i hope you'll enjoy it if you buy it ^^

Edit : ok so after completing the normal mode and the easy (to farm all the object and finally go in the expert mode) i must say if you manage the charge of the chi and you have all the elements at max lvl this game is really a nervous beat'm all , some object in the shop (you can buy them with shard collect in the game) are just awesome (ilimited chi fight the way).
If you like beat'm all, this game can be for you ^^
Posted 21 October, 2014. Last edited 22 October, 2014.
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9 people found this review helpful
1 person found this review funny
3.1 hrs on record (2.5 hrs at review time)
A funny game but you absolutely don't need any skill to be good (mono button for combo) the graphics are good too , the story follow the one from the manga . The game is fine but the online mod as to much lag to be enjoyable.
Posted 9 August, 2014. Last edited 9 August, 2014.
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1 person found this review helpful
3.1 hrs on record (3.0 hrs at review time)
fun , addictif , low price

it's a must buy !
Posted 14 July, 2014.
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3.3 hrs on record (2.3 hrs at review time)
Jump , Cut , Grab , Push , Propulse !!!
Posted 9 July, 2014.
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