Willy the Wombat
Please Follow My Rules
→ Any attempted scams will result in a block and a report.
→ I am intolerant of trolls, as a result any trolls will be blocked.
→ Any attempted phishes will result in a block.
I will not accept any friend request if one or more of the following:
→ You have a private profile.
→ You are level zero on steam (dependent on who you are).
→ You are VAC or Trade banned, unless you have a good, real reason.
→ If you have no Steam avatar or setup up profile.
→ IF you have little to no friends on Steam.
Trade Policies
→ Don't try to scam me, I know every method.
→ I will never rush you in a trade, I expect you to have the same courtesy.
→ I will always check items in a trade, I expect you to do the same.
→ I am very up-to-date when it comes to phishing methods, so don't try it.
→ I won't low ball you. I expect the same back.
→ I will never accpet Paypal offers, or do trades over Paypal.
My Links
→ Nexgen [ nxgsh.com ]
→ Nexgen Fourm [ nxgsh.com ]
→ Nexgen Blog [ csgocheats.blogspot.com ]
Nexgen ✯Certified cheats for CS:GO, CS:S, and many more✯
→ Currently hold a undetection record for most of our games including Counter Strike: Global Offensive in both match making and FaceIt.
→ Follow our blog (see above) for updates.
→ Email nxghacks@gmail.com for any questions.
→ Feel free to message me with any questions too.
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