Will Washkuhn   Milwaukee, Wisconsin, United States
I recently ran through The Witcher: EE. This was my first experience with the game, and I must confess I was mostly playing it to get to the sequels.

The game has aged relatively well, though you'll need to enable V-Sync on your video card control panel for it to be playable, as it doesn't have an in-game option and will probably chug along without it. Good CPU clock speed will also help, because the game engine doesn't support multi-core processing, from what I've read.

Beyond the graphics, this game also shows it's age with the mode-based point-and-click combat system. It's not the worst thing you've ever played, but you'll need a while to get used to it.

Beneath the surface, The Witcher boasts an intriguing story set in a very rich world. As Geralt of Rivia, you're already a hero of great renown at the beginning of the game, though amnesia allows the player to get up to speed with all of the local lore. You'll slay monsters, woo damsels, and drink your fair share of dwarven spirits. Be sure to read all of the books you find, have plenty of Swallow on hand, and don't forget to brew mutagens with the unique ingredients you get from the bosses. The Witcher also carries over some gear and decisions into the second game of the series when you complete it. Keep your best sword and armor by your side.

Altogether, The Witcher: Enhanced Edition is an excellent start to a storied franchise, and if you're patient with the game's artifacts you'll find yourself enjoying every quest.