WIELEM Jaspers   Netherlands
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Currently Offline
1 VAC ban on record | Info
1 game ban on record | Info
2581 day(s) since last ban
Artwork Showcase
Some info about me
:Karaboom: Game Rankings
:csgogun:Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
:csgogun:Rank : Silver IIII
:csgogun:Competitive Wins : 50
:csgogun:PlayTime : 300 Hours

:coolhardie:H1Z1: King of the Kill
:coolhardie:Rank : Bronze III
:coolhardie:Level : 21

:christmasbag:Dirty Bomb
:christmasbag:Rank : None
:christmasbag:Level: 4

:liemoji_yoba: VAC Ban
:csgocross:Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Reason: Skin Changer) (Dont do it)
:csgocross: My CS:GO Account

:Karaboom: Gaming Setup
:csgocross:Nvidia GeForce GTX 950-4GB
:csgocross:Intel Core i5-6500
:csgocross:MSI H110 ProD ATX
:csgocross:1x8GB RAM (Max 32GB)
:csgocross:1TB HDD
:csgocross:128GB SSD
:Karaboom:Next upgrade will be: GTX950 & GTX1070 (SLI)

:csgocross:2x Asus VE248
:csgocross:Logitech G34
:csgocross:Trust GXT 280
:csgocross:Trust GXT 148
:csgocross:LD Systems Podcast 2 (Mic)
:csgocross:Blue Office Chair
:Karaboom:Next upgrade will be: Third Monitor + Stand

:csgocross:Nintendo 3DS XL
:csgocross:Nintendo iXL
:csgocross:Nintendo Wii
:csgocross:Gameboy Color
:csgocross:.Iphone 6
:Karaboom:Next upgrade will be: Nintendo Switch

:Karaboom: Trading
:WhiteBlock: Trade with me!
:Map_DO:I love Trades if they are about the same value, (or small profit for me), and/or 1:1 Trades for set completion on both Sides! Always keep in mind that this is my only account i am using to trade/communicate with other users. If i do for some reason contact you on another account, ask for them to verify that they are me! Don't get yourself scammed, please.

:Karaboom: Links
:csgocross: YouTube
:csgocross: SteamDB [steamdb.info]
:csgocross: Twitter
:csgocross: CS:GO Stats [csgo-stats.com]
:Map_DO:Please don't spam me, anywhere. If you want to get my attention simply comment here and send me a friend request, and i will get back to you.

SteamDB [steamdb.info]
:SleepingValley3: Worth: $509 ($516 with sales)
:SleepingValley3: Games Owned: 101
:SleepingValley3: Games not played: 40 (%40)
:SleepingValley3: Hours on Record: 745

:Karaboom: 100% Achievements
- None

:Karaboom: Other
:csgocross:Origin: willemDHM

I am still looking for a sponsor. Feel free to contact me here by commenting that you want to talk with me about sponshorship and then sending me a friend request (or i'll send you one)
You may also contact me via email, just ask for it!

:csgogun: SteamRep Info
| steamname: WillemDHM
| steam3ID: [U:1:287169080]
| steamID32: STEAM_0:0:143584540
| steamID64: http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/profiles/76561198247434808
| customURL: http://gtm.steamproxy.vip/id/willemjaspers
| steamrep: http://steamrep.com/profiles/76561198247434808
guardian angel 23 Apr, 2019 @ 11:28am 
gangsta gangsta
WHAMBAMSHANGALANG 5 May, 2018 @ 7:37am 
goeie vent, kocht 200$ aan PSN cards in 1 week.
SEPH1RO7H 26 Aug, 2017 @ 4:38am 
welp Internet shat itself xD
Omega Looper 30 Mar, 2017 @ 11:59am 
Omega Looper 30 Mar, 2017 @ 11:59am 