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:csgoct: I'm KQLY.
:blackball: :blackball:

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Mom kicked me out, got global.
Roulé (CT): I ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ HATE HAVING THE AWP B
Roulé (CT): WOOPS
뮾(CT): :)

*DEAD* Yaso‎ : Report for karrage(: submitted, report id 3610192794250903802.

Ⓖ 🅶🅸🅵🆃🅴🅳‎ : Жалоба на игрока karrage(: отправлена. Её уникальный номер — 3522661861122113617.

*DEAD* 黑人猴子‎ : cheaters

*DEAD* seB‎ : ♥♥♥♥ you all cheaters
seB‎ : get a life you ♥♥♥♥ pieces of ♥♥♥♥
*DEAD* seB‎ : nice shots from mid
seB‎ : reportet
*DEAD* seB‎ : sure
*DEAD* seB‎ : ahahahaha
*DEAD* seB‎ : to obvious now
*DEAD* seB‎ : i was still in smoke
*DEAD* seB‎ : nice wh
酒からあげ‎ : wall of fame

*DEAD* No Mercy (Smurf)‎ : nice wh
*DEAD* No Mercy (Smurf)‎ : dont go that path you willl lose
No Mercy (Smurf)‎ : tryharder you hack sucks
*DEAD* No Mercy (Smurf)‎ : this time you made me mad nice wh
:blackball: Acutally turns on wall and trigger from 14-7 to 14-16 :blackball:
Showtime (Smurf)‎ : gg wp kids

iznoubel: you idiot
iznoubel: unlock profile
karrage: :P
iznoubel: i ♥♥♥♥ your mom, idiot
karrage: ty
iznoubel: unlock profile
karrage: wall of fame
iznoubel (Dead): ♥♥♥♥ off with your link

karrage: ggwp
iznoubel (Dead): gg
iznoubel (Dead): idiot
iznoubel (Dead): just die

Mr. Not My Real Name: du trenger mental hjelp
(Mr. Not My Real Name: you need mental help)

Saasinho: laget vi slo 16-1, slo de 16-7 xDDD
(Saasinho: the team we beat 16-1, they beat 16-7 xDDD)

Saasinho: enten er vi så søppel på nuke, ellers er DEN fyren der verdens beste
(Sassinho: either we're trash on nuke, or THAT guy is the worlds best)

zykes- – 6 minutter siden
Kan vi få demo av "karragexd" =)
han nikker jo bokstavelig talt noe som ikke er norsk en gang heja
(zykes- -- 6 minutes ago
Can we get demo of "karragexd" =)
he basically nicks something thats not even norwegian go

Telenorliga mix 101 sendte inn en rapport zykes- - 8 minutter siden
karragexd. Vi vil ha demo grunnet, han spilte ikke igår, han hadde bare inpact fraggs på ekstremt viktige runder der han plutselig ble "veldig god" i tillegg til det så hadde han en del skudd igjennom smokes, prefires etc. Derfor vil vi undersøke det videre. =)
(Telenorliga mix 101 sent in a report zykes- -- 8 minutes ago
karragexd. We want demo because, he didnt play yesterday, he only had impact frags on extremely important rounds where he suddenly became "very good" plus he had a good amount of shots through smokes, prefires etc. Therefore we would like to investigate it further. =)

zykes- - Telenorliga mix 101 - 24 minutter siden
BX3.fubb kan vi gå over demoen for å sikre at den er riktig og evt melde ifra de rundene der vi mener han toggler?
(zykes- - Telenorliga mix 101 - 24 minutes ago
BX3.fubb can we go over the demo to make sure its right and let you know which rounds we think he is toggeling in?)

*DEAD* Enable : gg gl w/h + haha lol kid

Ⓨ karrage : gg
Zaikobean : mr knows
playmesh : lol... hack more
verenz : gg nt hiding

*DEAD* sepiz : karrage why u hack ?

k$_1 =DD : lan eyy eyyy

le7h : karrage i will submit ur ticket after the game dont worry :)

coscarbinho^2k4 29 minutes ago
-rep blatant cheater

coscarbinho^2k4: dont cheat pls
coscarbinho^2k4: ♥♥♥♥♥ pls
coscarbinho^2k4: DeShawn u have comfortable t rounds now untoggle pls :]

T'Challa: tjitter
DeShawn*BlackPersonNameGenerator: wtf
coscarbinho^2k4: obv.
coscarbinho^2k4: :)

coscarbinho^2k4: deshawn dont do stuff like that
coscarbinho^2k4: that is why it is obvious man
coscarbinho^2k4: =)

coscarbinho^2k4: why arent you banned? :)))
DeShawn*BlackPersonNameGenerator: do what
coscarbinho^2k4: retarded ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ cheater
T'Challa (Dead): DeShawn cheats

Player: DeShawn*BlackPersonNameGenerator - Damage Given
--Damage Given to "francesco petrarca" - 118 in 1 hit
--Damage Given to "Morena Baccarin" - 135 in 1 hit
--Damage Given to "T'Challa" - 111 in 1 hit
torry (CT) CT Start: i like u :)

kev1nh: karrage you just gave urself away there xD
kev1nh: i moved perfectly and suddenly youre jumping out of no where to spotme
kev1nh: also 30 frags as ct

IcE_CubE: karrage is not legi
IcE_CubE: best player world
IcE_CubE: go play with fnatic pls

● radshaka (T) T Start: karrage im calling you a hacker so i can get on ur profile info

EnoZ: i was suppose to rank up
EnoZ: you ruined 2 hours of competetive win streak
EnoZ: ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ noob
EnoZ: die in hell
EnoZ is now Offline.
EnoZ is currently offline, they will receive your message the next time they log in.
Skrujern: sry mate

BadMax: karrage=DD AIM OFF

Lyme (Dead): Karage hacks

Chiken: krrage nice hack
Chiken: 'karrage =,DD nice hacks
Chiken: Report for 'karrage ='DD submitted, report id 3080478551896490222.

Ashtiking: fuska mer :)
aegatron: säg till
aegatron: karrage

daNyBN (Dead): karrage wtf what dat shoot at b ur timing
daNyBN: are just ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

aegatron (Dead): karrage u just hexx report u

Mowgli (Dead): go killurself

Benis: dosnt check ninja
Benis: dosnt check stairs
Benis: goes traight for hiam on ramp
Benis: legit

DREAMY! (Dead): over smoke ?
MEMPHiS: through
DREAMY! (Dead): you are a tard ?
MEMPHiS: yupp
MEMPHiS: u got hit by the nade
DREAMY! (Dead): first time dont smoke b house now yes and prefiring
MEMPHiS: u flashed
MEMPHiS: ofc ima prefire

Benis (Dead): that wh
Benis (Dead): you cant see there
MEMPHiS (Dead): if u knew how to throw that smoke, u'd know where u can see under it
Benis (Dead): you cant see under it
MEMPHiS (Dead): okey.
MEMPHiS (Dead): watch demo
Benis (Dead): i checked
Benis: you were not there
MEMPHiS: wall of fame
ElysiaN: welcome to wall of fame, be proud
Benis (Dead): ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ polish scums
ElysiaN (Dead): lmao
Benis (Dead): with cheats

Benis (Dead): nope
Benis (Dead): thats imposible
Benis (Dead): without antirecoil

AkumA kyaa Senpai (T): AHAHAHA
AkumA kyaa Senpai (T): TURNUPFORHAX
Player: MEMPHiS - Damage Given
Damage Given to "KveezyS" - 108 in 1 hit
Damage Given to "Benis" - 110 in 1 hits
Damage Given to "Rawh3ad" - 203 in 2 hits
Damage Given to "DREAMY!" - 108 in 1 hit
Damage Given to "Korben Dallas .^, #PXL" - 109 in 1 hit
Player: MEMPHiS - Damage Taken
AkumA kyaa Senpai (T) T Start: what a round

Benis (Dead): sure bro
DREAMY! (Dead): h4H4H4
DREAMY! (Dead): you are a cheater ?
MEMPHiS (Dead): no
ElysiaN: yes he is, confirmed
Benis (Dead): sure bro
DREAMY! (Dead): you are crazy
DREAMY!: memphis ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ noob
Benis (Dead): low polish ♥♥♥♥♥

*DEAD* eXcEllEnCe : karrage reported wh


Zek : egerraK n1 cheat bro

*DEAD* onlyHS : omg this karrage
*DEAD* onlyHS : is evident wh

*DEAD* Caloth. : nice wh

*DEAD* onlyHS : karrage everyround 1 report:)
*DEAD* onlyHS : ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ kid ban vac incoming

*DEAD* AcHTunG : gg ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hacker

*DEAD* onlyHS : buy new account ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ kid noob you are only pro with hackk ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

rR*my$t : omg karrage you are so pro are you fnatic smurf?
rR*my$t : like omg
rR*my$t : you must be scream or something
rR*my$t : or kennyS
rR*my$t : cuz you are so pro with that awp

*DEAD* ?Bird : Carrage report you
Komlaa : because you're ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ bad?
rR*my$t : yeah hes a little unemployeed ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ from sweden
*DEAD* ?Bird : because he is ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ WH

*DEAD* rR*my$t : I love how quiet karrage is
*DEAD* rR*my$t : must be breaking his keyboard
Shin 31 ago. 2023 às 1:34 
+rep nice and good player
76561199060172139 16 jul. 2023 às 14:38 
Signed by me :) Lets play csgo
nexo 19 jun. 2023 às 16:42 
-rep so retarded
Skeel 3 jun. 2023 às 11:25 
er der mulighed for vi kan finde frem til en pris på dine krakow 2017 challengers autograph capsule?
JeZZa 10 abr. 2023 às 14:02 
be nice for him not to AFK in comp games....
Rango 24 mar. 2023 às 14:30 
this bigboii getting some pu$$y:steammocking: